COVID-19 relief: Kenya donates 12 tonnes of food products to India

Mumbai, May 28: Kenya has donated 12 tonnes of food products to India as part of its COVID-19 relief efforts, a statement said on Friday.
The east African country has sent 12 tonnes of tea, coffee and groundnut produced locally to the Indian Red Cross Society, it said adding that the packets will be distributed across Maharashtra with food aid.
“The Government of Kenya wishes to stand in solidarity with the people and Government of India during this time of the COVID-19 pandemic by donating consumable food stuffs,” Willy Bett, high commissioner of the African country to to India, said.
Bett, who came to the financial capital from New Delhi to hand over the food articles, said the donation is directed to the frontline care givers who continue to work long hours to save lives.
Indian Red Cross Society Vice-Chairman (Maharashtra branch) Homi Khusrokhan said the donation symbolises the empathy that the people of Kenya have for the people of India and is re-assuring.
The global community has united to support India that has been affected by the ravages of the second wave of COVID-19. (PTI)