COVID: Jammu administration began door-to-door exercise to create awareness

JAMMU : A massive door-to-door exercise has been started across Jammu to create awareness about COVID helpline and hospitals in the district, as well as to identify COVID-19 patients, officials said on Saturday.
The administration will cover around 16 lakh population of Jammu through this campaign and for this 1380 booth level teams have been constituted which have supervisors, Asha Workers, health works who are visiting door to door.
This team is making people aware of different facilities, where and how to get tested, important numbers like ambulance, hospital, doctors numbers, etc are given and they are also identifying suspected symptomatic cases and arranging their testing.
Deputy Commissioner Jammu Anshul Garg said: “We have started door-to-door exercise has been started 2 days back and it is an attempt to reach out to each of the roughly 4 lakh households in the district and isolate probable positive patients, promote COVID-19 SoPs and lend a helping hand.”
He further said that the death rate in Jammu has become a matter of concern and this is an attempt to break the cycle so that there’s no late reporting.
Deputy Commissioner further said that the teams are giving pamphlets to people, with district COVID helpline numbers, symptomatic people being urged to get tested and they are being told about COVID centres and hospitals.
“We have activated booth-level teams, those who work in election duty for this exercise. Various people like Anganwadi workers, Asha workers teams headed by concerned Sub-divisional Magistrates and comprising health, revenue are deputed for this exercise,” he added.
Pradeep a local resident of Jammu said that this is a very good initiative as this will help to expose those who don’t come out after being infected.
“Those who are infected with COVID should come out and go for a check-up because you cannot get well if you are at staying home. But this is a good initiative, they are doing a door-to-door survey and this will help expose those who are hiding at home. I am very much satisfied with this initiative of the government,” he said.
Sushma Jamwal a local resident said that this is a very good initiative taken by the administration and people who have some symptoms should get themselves checked as early as possible.
“This is a very good step from the government because Prime Minister cannot reach every house so he is giving his initiative thought his team. BLO, Anganwadi workers, Asha workers are cooperating with us. The public should also cooperate with them and should tell them if they have any problem because only then the government can help,” she said.
Sushma Jamwal further said that the team is asking if anyone in the family have COVID-19 symptoms or anyone in the family have travelled anywhere.
Another resident of Jammu Rajeshwar Singh said that people should come out and get themselves tested and treated only then they can be safe.
“This is a very good initiative from the government because this will help to those people who think that if they come out they will be hospitalised directly. People should themselves come out and get themselves treated only then they can be safe,” he said.
Rajeshwar further added urged people to not step out of the house and to use mask properly and sanitise their hands from time to time.
According to the health department, nearly 35 to 40 deaths are reported being reported in Jammu daily and so far 3027 people have died due to the virus.
Jammu and Kashmir reported 3,027 fresh infections on Friday and 60 people succumbed to the virus.
Of the 60 deaths in Jammu and Kashmir, 39 were reported in the Jammu division and 21 in Kashmir and of the new cases. (Agency)