CPI (M) for withdrawal of AFSPA

Excelsior Correspondent
SRINAGAR, Mar 20: The 11th State Conference of Jammu and Kashmir CPI (M) concluded here today with resolutions adopted on human rights, demanding withdrawal of AFSPA, PSA and other draconian laws, putting ban on use of pellet guns.
The conference also adopted resolutions on agriculture/ horticulture, education, wages and regularization of casual/ adhoc/ temporary/ scheme workers, democratic and trade union rights, women’s rights and against communalism, unemployment and price rise
Delegates from various areas of the State participated in the two-day conference. Ghulam Nabi Malik, secretary presented the report on behalf of the J&K State Committee of CPI (M).
The conference, being held once in three years, deliberated upon the BJP-led Central government’s communal authoritarian agenda, corruption, miss-governance and anti-people policies. The disastrous policies pursued by the BJP government, vis-a-vis Kashmir for the last three years, refusing initiation of a credible dialogue process with all stake holders and relying exclusively on security forces, were also discussed in the Conference.
The delegates from across the State deliberated upon the unfortunate incidents of killing of unarmed civilians, especially youth in recent firing incidents in the Valley and urged the Government to put an end to this killing spree and indiscriminate arrests of youth.
The political draft resolution presented in the conference urged upon the government of India to take bold initiatives to start a credible process of dialogue primarily with the voices of dissent and with Pakistan for resolving all outstanding issues, including Kashmir. The participants in one voice urged upon the Governments of India and Pakistan to take measures for silencing the guns along the LoC and the border.
The latest killing of five members of a family in Poonch is a glaring example how people of the state have become cannon fodder of the Indo-Pak hostilities over the years.
The delegates also reiterated the party’s demand of ban on use of pellet guns in Kashmir, withdrawing of AFSPA as a confidence building measure and restoration of eroded provisions of Article 370. Prime Minister Narendra Modi should assure the people that Article 370 and Article 35-A will be safe guarded and should make statement on the floor of the Parliament in this regard.
Cases of political leaders detained in various jails within and outside J&K should be reviewed for their release. Cases of detenues under PSA should be reviewed at the earliest and steps taken for their release. The participants also expressed serious concern over the attacks on Kashmiri students, businessmen and others outside the State.
The conference elected four delegates – G N Malik, Sham Prasad Kesar, Om Prakash and Mohammad Amin Dar for the 22nd Party Congress to be held at Hyderabad from April 18 to 22, 2018. The conference also elected a 21-member State Committee with G N Malik as its State secretary.