Create Mental Health awareness

Satish Chandel
World Mental Health Day 2023 is an opportunity for people and communities to unite behind the theme ‘Mental health is a universal Human right’ to improve knowledge, raise awareness and drive actions that promote and protect everyone’s mental health as universal human right.
The green ribbon is the international symbol of mental health awareness. Wear a green ribbon to show colleagues, loved ones, or simply those you walk past that you care about their mental health.
On October 10, 1992, Richard Hunter, who was the deputy secretary general of WFMH(World Federation for Mental Health) at the time, declared the first world mental health day. Every year since 1994, a unique theme has been chosen for the international celebration.
Now a days the mental health issues are increasing day by day especially in adolescents because of stressful life and worry about their career and future. Excessive use of mobile phones among the youngsters and even in kids leads to many symptoms of mental illness. They do not concentrate about their studies and even they have no control on their emotions. They get irritating on small issues and also they lose their hearing power as their mind get busy in mobile phones round the clock.
Warning Signs for Mental Illness:-
* Extremely high and low moods.
* Change in eating or sleeping habits.
* Long lasting sadness or irritability.
* Excessive fear, worry or anxiety.
* Social withdrawal etc.
Risk Factors that increases mental health issues in adolescents:-
* Increased stress, fear and anxiety.
* Parental depression.
* Negative family environment (may include parent substance abuse).
* Child mistreatment or abuse by parents.
* Family conflict.
* Loss of school, sport, community routine.
Causes of mental health problems:-
* Childhood abuse, trauma or neglect.
* Social isolation or loneliness.
* Experiencing discrimination and stigma including racism.
* Bereavement (losing someone close to you).
* Severe or long term stress.
* Having a long term physical health conditions.
Stressful life situations, such as financial problems a loved one’s death or a divorce. An ongoing (chronic) medical condition such as diabetes. Braind damage as a result of serious injury (traumatic brain injury),such as violent blow to the head are the main causes of mental illness.
Tips to maintain positive mental health:-
* Stay connected with your loved ones via social media/text/phones.
* Talk about your feelings.
* Do yoga/meditation.
* Maintain healthy life style including proper diet, sleep, exercise.
* Don’t use smoking or drugs to deal with your emotions.
The only motto of celebrating world mental health day is to create awareness among the people and advise people to visit to the nearest health facility in case of any mental health issues.
The author is Sr. Lecturer Govt. HSS Jodhpur (Doda)