Crime against women

This has reference to the news item ‘299 women raped, 1059 kidnapped’ DE Mar 8.
The figures as indicated above reveal a grim picture so far as safety of women is concerned. Crime against women is a great concern and needs to be addressed at the earliest. In case we fail to check this tendency, it will have create a suitation where we will find totally doomed.
The safety of women should be a priority with us as they constitute half of the population of this universe.
The crime against women underscores the fact that despite so much education and information, we have not changed our mindset towards them.
Women continue to face honour killings, burnings, acid attacks and domestic violence including being beaten on a regular basis.
Unless male members shed patriarchal and feudal attitude, things are not going to improve in the near future despite so many laws that exist on statue books.
Yours etc….
Kajal Kalsotra