Crime and corruption

Crime in the ancient world was a rare phenomenon. Past was dominated by spiritualism than materialism. Society by and large cherished values and norms based on religion and morality. Crimes were rare and society exercised control on criminal activities.In the modern life, we find scant respect for morality and religion. With increasing emphasis on capital profit and productivity, materialism became the new faith and spiritualism took the back  seat in the present day life.
Corruption is nothing but a white-collar crime usually committed by people belonging to upper strata of society including bureaucrats, technocrats, politicians and professionals. Smuggling, black-marketing, land grabbing etc are some of the crimes sustained by corruption.
Politicians, bureaucrats and criminals are the three essential ingredients of a corruption racket we notice in the present social set up. Corruption thrives best in a loose democratic system run by irresponsible and corrupt politicians, who manage to rise to power through foul and unfair means. Under  their governance, corruption flares up and spreads its tentacles in all directions. Once a decadent democratic system reaches that level, it provokes civil disobedience, social disorganisation and terrorism of various sorts. This evil is now deep-rooted in our society and to get rid of it is a challenge to all of us.
Yours etc……
S.N. Raina