Crime Branch produces 2 charge sheets in Anti-Corruption Court

Excelsior Correspondent

SRINAGAR, June 14:  In two separate cases, Crime Branch Kashmir  has presented charge sheets against the accused in the Anti-Corruption Court of  Additional Session Judge, Pulwama.
Charge sheet in  case FIR No. 17 of 2014 U/S 409, 468, 471, 477-A, 120-B RPC r/w 5(2) Prevention of Corruption  Act  2006, was presented against two Dy Directors (Retired) and a Cashier of  Fire & Emergency Services namely, Ab  Hameed Wani, Riyaz-u-Din Shah and  Zahoor Ahmad Sheikh, respectively.
The accused,  during their tenure in Fire & Emergency Services Command, Kulgam, had  misappropriated huge amount worth Rs 18.89 lakh on account of fictitious salary.
During investigation, the accused public servants were found to have resorted to falsification/manipulation of salary bills w.e.f March 2012 to Nov  2013 and  drawn excess  salary/ amount as against the actual salary to be drawn for the said period . It was found that  the actual salary for  the above said period worked  out to be Rs 3,98,90,999 while as the accused public servant had  dishonestly drawn an amount of Rs 4,17,80,342 and as such were found to have drawn Rs 18,89343 in excess by showing wrong calculation in respect of the actual amount due for drawl.
The investigation  further revealed that subsequent to the fraudulent drawl  of excess amount, the  same was transferred into  JK Banks Qazigund in the account of  Jan Khursheed, Fahmeeda, Javaid Ahmad and Zahoor Ahmad, respectively through the mode of fictitious advices by showing the account holders as ghost employees.
The other charge sheet was presented in case FIR No. 07/11 U/S 420,468,120-B, 201 RPC r/w 5(2) PC Act,  against accused Bashir Ahmad Bhat , then Patwari Soafshali Kokernag and three others namely Ab  Gani Naikoo, his brother Mohamamd Sultan Naikoo and one  Bashir Ahmad Bhat.
The case was registered on a written complaint  by Nazir Ahmad Naikoo before the court of Chief Judicial Magistrate Srinagar alleging therein that his brothers Ab Gani Naikoo and Mohammad Sulan Naikoo fraudulently sold the land, purchased by their father, to Bashir Ahmad Bhat without his knowledge in league with Revenue officers.
The  enquiry revealed that the mutation attested in favour of the father of the complainant were subsequently tempered by the accused Patwari who inserted the name of Bashir Ahmad Bhat in the said mutations. Because of section 4 & 8 of Agrarian Reforms Act, the sale of the said land could not have affected and in order to make the entry vis-à-vis the said sale, the accused brothers and accused beneficiary hatched a criminal conspiracy with accused Patwari  and thereby resorted to manipulation of revenue record by inserting the name of accused beneficiary Bashir Ahmad Bhat in place of actual owner Gh Rasool Naikoo and  thereby directly shown transfer of land from the name of Abdul Rehman Qadri to accused beneficiary Bashir Ahmad Bhat in the year 1985-86 despite having knowledge that agreement of sale between accused was executed in the year 1991.


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