Criteria for double transport allowance

Excelsior Correspondent
Srinagar, Dec 26: The Government has issued clarifications related to the criteria for those employees who will get the transport allowance double the normal rates, particularly in the favour of the employees who are facing a wide range of physical disabilities.
In this regard, the Finance Department said that it received various representations for clarifications related to the Grant of Transport Allowance at double the normal rates in favour of Physically Disabled Government employees granted earlier and it has been decided to grant the same in favour of Govt employees with various disabilities.
It said that the case has been examined in the Finance Department and it has been decided that the Transport Allowance at double the normal rates, in terms of Government Order No. 472-F of 2019 dated 28.11.2019, shall be admissible for employees fulfilling the laid down criteria.
The FD said that the grant shall be admissible in the favour of employees who are Orthopaedically Handicapped and have a minimum of 40% permanent partial disability of either one or both upper limbs or one or both lower limbs.
The employees with 50% permanent partial disability of one or both upper limbs and one or both lower limbs combined also fall in the criteria laid down by the FD and can seek the grant of the transport allowance at double the normal rates.
The list will also include: “Visually impaired/ blind Government Employee; Government employee suffering from Spinal deformity causing permanent partial disability of above 40%; Deaf and Dumb Government employee,” the FD said.
The Govt employees with impaired hearing having loss of 60 decibels or more in the better ear in the conversation range of frequencies, also fall in the criteria that have been issued.
“The Transport Allowance will be admissible to Physically Disabled employees viz visually impaired, orthopedically handicapped, deaf and dumb/ hearing impaired, spinal deformity,” the FD said.
As per the FD, the same will be granted at double the normal rates on the recommendation/ certificate issued by the Medical Board constituted by the Government, consisting of CMO of the district and at least two Medical specialists nominated by the concerned Director Health Services with at least one specialist from the field of concerned impairment.
In this connection, all the Departments have been are accordingly advised to follow the instructions while granting Transport Allowance at double the normal rates in favour of Physically Disabled Government employees.