Critical Ambulance Service

Critical Ambulance Service project cannot be started let alone completed because the State Government has no funds for it, making it totally dependent on Central Government’s funds. It is, however, reportedly made known that the implementation agency was having no funds and that the National Health Mission was in constant touch with the Central agencies. A nice and ambitious project comprising a fleet of 416 ambulance vehicles expected to roll out across Jammu and Kashmir has been facing rough weathers as also the project having got delayed.
It is not known whether the prerequisites have all been completed from this end and full project papers have been sent to the Central Government. If that part of the job is done, then proper liaison and monitoring alone could get things done as the Central Government has all along been considerate towards Jammu and Kashmir in respect of granting financial assistance. Paucity of funds should not come in the way for starting such a noble mission and therefore the issue should be resolved soon.