Criticizing the surgical strike

Harsha Kakar
There are times when I wonder, how mature are our politicians? How responsible are our so-called national security experts, both the arm-chair variety and an odd ex-military writer? Is politics the end all in India and are we nationalists only in name? Are film producers and actors only concerned about their investment and returns and not the nation? The recent debates in every form of media, print and visual, questioning the military’s claims of the strike indicates petty mindedness. Let me put forth some views.
The successful surgical strike launched by the army, post the Uri attack was aimed at conveying a strong message to Pakistan. The strikes were spread across two division fronts, north and south of the PirPanjal. All earlier cases of so-called strikes, as claimed by politicians with absolutely no military knowledge, were just localized actions or in other words local reactions to Pak actions. Neither country announced it as a surgical strike, as they were not surgical strikes. The aim of the announcement this time was to indicate India’s willingness to flirt with escalation. Simultaneously, was to build confidence in the hearts and minds of the Indian public, that the army is capable of responding and possesses the requisite capability. No country, worth its salt can ever acknowledge such a strike ever occurred on its soil. It would bring its military and government into internal disgrace, especially if the country is bound together on religious lines. That was the reason why Pakistan went overboard to counter Indian claims. The announcement of the strikewhen made, was neither drum beating, nor was it seeking praise and credit. It was a simple statement by the Indian DGMO (Director General of Military Operations).
However, as the euphoria of the strike died down, armchair writers, who have only visited Kashmir as tourists, an odd ex-military so-called security expert and politicians from opposition political parties have questioned the validity of the strikesThey have been seeking proof from the government. Their demands are based on Pakistan news reports where it has taken recourse to counter Indian claims. They desire the government to release details which they claim Pakistan is already aware of. For Pakistan, this has been a windfall. The struggle and efforts which it was making for covering Indian success, suddenly got a boost from our side. It only made their almost impossible task so much simpler. This action not only indicates complete lack of knowledge military, as also a means of obtaining cheap publicity for personal gains.
Military operations, which fall into the national security domain are disseminated only on a need to know basis. In fact, most senior serving military personnel would also have come to know of the operation through the press. Their knowledge would also remain the same. The army rarely announces details of its operations. It similarly rarely responds to criticism, accepting it quietly. The senior hierarchy was severely criticized during the OROP agitation, however, never responded. Therefore, the announcement made, was a simple fact of the incident and should have been accepted as such. Even after the Myanmar strike, no such conference was held. The same critics never questioned the army then for greater details including routes adopted and weapons carried, basically because, it gave no political gain to the ruling party. In addition, the militant groups in Myanmar did not have the backing of the Pakistan ISPR (Inter Services Public Relations), which went into overdrive to contradict the Indian press release.
The armed forces are the only organization which are completely apolitical, while being the last bastion of the nation. They have never demanded credit for any task they have been entrusted with, whether it be retaking Kargil, providing security to yatri’s proceeding to Amarnath, restoring an adverse situation arising from political folly and blunders or providing aid and relief during national disasters. The details of their actions have only been released by press statements and inputs from journalists. Their words have always been true and accepted by the nation. By questioning them, these elements aim to prove that even this final bastion is capable of spreading malicious news.
Possibly the main reason for the political slugfest is the gain which could flow to the ruling party in the forthcoming elections. Naturally, the ruling party deserves its share of credit, as it bore the risk of being harmed, had things gone horribly wrong. The Congress claimed credit for the 1971 war for years. The previous governments, scared of escalation, avoided any such action, which again was solely their decision. Hence why cry over spilled milk. India cannot convince the citizens of Pakistan on the validity of the strikes on similar grounds as Pakistan media can never convince the Indian population that Uri was stage managed by India. Thus why enter into mudslinging. The army did what it was supposed to do, did it correctly, for which the nation salutes it, seeks no international credit as also none from its own in-house opponents.
The arm chair writers, politicians and ex-military critics claim that the military should share details makes no sense. How would sharing details enlighten them? Would it enable them to sit in the operations directorate and plan the next strike? Would it make them ambassadors of India in the international forum, so they could sing praises of the strike or would it make these lesser knowledgeable humans suddenly experts? Is trusting the words of the DGMO and the army so difficult or is doubting an Indian trait.I truly fail to understand why they need proof. In my opinion, their comments are only to grab the headlines for a few moments.
I remain proud of the army, in which I have served, that it has felt it unwarranted to even consider responding to such vociferous comments and criticism. For the politicians, film stars and so-called strategic experts, I have just one request. Leave the only apolitical organization and final bastion of the nation alone. Trust it, as it has never failed the nation. It would gain nothing by telling lies, as it does not seek anything from you, except your respect, prayers and good wishes. I only hope you can spare that.
(The author is a retired Major General of the Indian Army)