CS chairs High Powered Committee meeting

Excelsior Correspondent

Chief Secretary Mohd Iqbal Khandey chairing High Powered Committee meeting at Srinagar on Friday.
Chief Secretary Mohd Iqbal Khandey chairing High Powered Committee meeting at Srinagar on Friday.

SRINAGAR, June 27: The High Powered Committee on operationalisation of the new Administrative Units met today under the chairmanship of Chief Secretary Mohammad Iqbal Khandey.
The meeting was attended by Principal Secretary Planning and Development, B. R. Sharma, Principal Secretary Finance, B. B. Viyas, Commissioner Secretary Revenue, Vinod Koul, Secretary, Rural Development, Sheikh Mushtaq Ahmed, Secretary GAD, M. A. Bukhari and other senior officers.
The Committee examined and deliberated upon the proposals of different departments regarding the creation of posts and necessary infrastructure for making these units operational at the earliest.
Once finalized the recommendations of the High Powered Committee will be placed before the Cabinet for its consideration and approval.
The High Powered Committee for examining and clearing the proposals of different departments was constituted by the Government following the Cabinet decision to create new Administrative Units in the State.
The Committee has been working out the modalities in terms of total manpower, infrastructure and financial requirements and recommend the proposals for the consideration and approval of the Cabinet.