CS reviews preparations for maiden Jammu Half & Ultra Marathon-2025

* Award Money of Rs 1.33 cr on offer across all formats

Excelsior Correspondent

NEW DELHI, Dec 13: Chief Secretary, Atal Dulloo today chaired a meeting of Tourism Department to take review of the Jammu Half Marathon and Ultra Marathon-2025 proposed to be held here in the month of February next year.
Besides the Commissioner Secretary, Tourism Department the meeting was attended by Deputy Commissioners of Jammu, Kathua, Samba, Udhampur; Director Tourism, Jammu; Traffic Police authorities and other concerned officers and officials of the Department
During this meeting, the Chief Secretary took note of the preparations finalized by the department till now. He impressed upon them to make the registration portal live soon for creating awareness among the fitness enthusiasts besides giving ample time to the desiring runners for their registration.
He also directed for running the sustained social media campaigns by creating short videos, jingles and other creatives to popularize this event. He called for taking bytes from the popular national icons promoting this maiden marathon here in the city.
Dulloo asked for making the teaser ready by the end of this month. He also advised for creating 40-50 videos that could be run over different media platforms to create the necessary buzz about this first such event to be held here.
He also suggested to rope in different sponsors from Hospitality, Travel, Tourism and Corporate sectors for making this multi disciplinary marathon a grand success here for the overall promotion of tourism in Jammu region.
The Commissioner Secretary, Tourism, Yasha Mudgal informed the meeting about the status of arrangements made so far to successfully hold this Marathon in Jammu.
She informed that the portal is being developed by BISAG-N and would be ready for launch till 25th of December. She further informed that the requisite certification and measurement for 109 kms Ultra Marathon Jammu is currently under progress to give the event a final shape.
Regarding other formats of the race to be organised here, it was added that a half marathon of 21kms, Fitness- gauge Marathon of 10 kms and a Fun Run of 5 kms distance would also be organised simultaneously for both male and female runners.
Exciting prizes for both Men and Women would be given. These includes a first prize of Rs 15 lakhs, 2nd Prize of 12 lakhs, 3rd Prize of Rs 9 lakhs, 4th Rs 5 lakhs and 5th prize of Rs 3 lakhs would be given to the winners of Half Marathon.
Similarly prizes of Rs 3 lakhs would be given to the winner of Fitness-gauge runner and Rs 1 lakh to Fun Running event winner followed by others up to the 5th rank in each category for both men and women taking the total award money of Rs 1.33 cr for all the formats.
It was further revealed that all these races would be held possibly on 23rd of February (Sunday) for the weather in this month remains pleasant for holding such an outdoor sporting event.