CS reviews progress on SBM, DAY-NULM, NERS, Housing for All

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Dec 26: Chief Secretary, B B Vyas today reiterated his earlier direction regarding declaration of State as Open Defecation Free (ODF) by March, 2018.
Chairing the 5th meeting of the State Level Apex Committee (SLAC) on Swachh Bharat Mission, Chief Secretary underscored the importance of the programme and urged all line departments to accord highest priority to the mission.
It was informed that against the approved 37000 IHHTs, work was started in 21243 IHHTs. Out of these, 7000 IHHTs have already been handed over to the beneficiaries. Similarly, on Janta Toilets, against the mission target of 2078 seats, work was taken up on 1966 seats. Out of these, 1271 seats have been constructed and 695 are under construction.
To achieve the targets by March 31, 2018, Chief Secretary directed all concerned departments to push the completion of works on IHHTs and Janta Toilets as per the mission guidelines, including provision of ramps for specially-abled persons besides uploading the location of Janta toilets on Google map.
Chief Secretary directed the DCs to review the implementation of Swachh Bharat Mission on monthly basis.
Chief Secretary also chaired the 1st meeting of the State Executive Committee of Deendayal Antyodaya-National Urban Livelihood Mission (DAY-NULM) to review the progress of implementation of the mission.
The Centrally Sponsored Scheme seeks to enhance the employment opportunities and incomes of the urban poor through skill development and training, setting up of individual and group micro-enterprises, formation of Self-Help Groups, building shelters for homeless, supporting street vendors in creating infrastructure, innovative support to rag pickers, differently abled etc.
The Committee was informed that under ‘Employment through Skill Training and Placement’ component of DAY-NULM, against the target of 6000 candidates, 1600 candidates have been imparted training in different skills through the 87 empanelled institutes.
Chief Secretary emphasised on providing training in such skills that have higher employability potential in the job market particularly those linked to infrastructure-development sector. The Committee also reviewed the progress of the component ‘Support to Urban Street Vendors.
Meanwhile, Chief Secretary chaired the 2nd State Apex Committee Meeting for Nationwide Emergency Response System (NERS).
Principal Secretary, Home, Principal Secretary, Health & Medical Education, Administrative Secretaries of the Departments PDD, Social Welfare, PHE, I&FC, IT, IGP Technical Services, J&K besides other senior officers attended the meeting. Officials of Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC) Thiruvananthapuram participated in the meeting via video conferencing.
NERS is a Pan-India integrated helpline number ‘112’ with the objective of addressing all emergencies. The key players being the public, Police Department, Health Services, Fire & Emergency Services, Disaster Management, Social Welfare, C-DAC and Telecom Services.
The system will integrate various emergency call numbers like Police (100), Fire (101), Ambulance (102) and Women & Child Care (181) into one, to act not only as ‘receiver’ of emergency calls but also as ‘responder’ in a very quick time.
C-DAC has been associated with the preparation of project proposal submitted by the state to MHA. Based on the proposal submitted by J&K Police, MHA GoI has sanctioned an amount of Rs. 7.427 Crore to serve as the initial fund to kick start NERS rollout in the State.
The Committee discussed the implementation of NERS as per the guidelines of MHA, the proposal submitted by C-DAC and the points raised by the Technical Committee comprising Special DGP Hqr, PHQ, Secretary, IT and IGP Technical Services. It was decided that C-DAC will submit a modified DPR to the MHA for implementation of NERS incorporating all necessary elements as brought out by the State government and as per the guidelines of the MHA.
Chief Secretary also reviewed implementation of ‘Housing for All’ (HFA) Urban Mission under the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY).  ‘Housing for All’ Urban Mission is being implemented in all 78 Towns and the two capital cities of Srinagar and Jammu in two phases.
The Committee also approved 31 DPRs prepared for 13 cities/towns of Kashmir Division and 11 cities/towns of Jammu division covering 5021 Economically Weaker Section (EWS) families. Chief Secretary emphasized on ensuring that construction work under the programme is made earthquake resistant.