CS reviews rehabilitation plan for pony owners of Katra

JAMMU: Chief Secretary B B Vyas today chaired a meeting to discuss the steps to be taken for rehabilitation of the erstwhile mule owners plying on Shri Mata Vaishno Devi track.

 The government has decided to rehabilitate these ponywalas as they were displaced after National Green Tribunal issued certain guidelines for preservation of ecology around the shrine.

The meeting was attended by Divisional Commissioner, Jammu Dr Mandeep Kumar Bhandari, Director, Urban Local Bodies Jammu, Sushma Chauhan, Director, Animal Husbandry Department Dr PK Gupta, Additional Chief Executive Officer, Shri Mata Vaishno Devi Shrine Board Anshul Garg, Joint Director Information Jammu Maneesha Sarin and other concerned officers.

The Chief Secretary directed the Animal Husbandry Department to submit a comprehensive plan for providing milch animals to the displaced mule owners to enable them to support their families. The CS also asked the department to furnish list of welfare schemes being run by it to his office.

It was informed in the meeting that the department will construct a veterinary hospital in Katra to provide healthcare for the livestock of the mule owners.

He further directed the Urban Local Bodies to construct sheds for the mules and organise training for the displaced mule owners under National Urban Livelihood Mission to enable them to earn their livelihood easily and lead a better life.

The Chief Secretary also directed for constitution of an expert panel to study the carrying capacity of track leading to Shri Mata Vaishno Devi shrine so that the appropriate number of ponies ply on the track.