CS reviews swine flu control measures

JAMMU, Feb 20: Chief Secretary, Iqbal Khandey today reviewed the status of Influenza A H1N1 management in both the Kashmir and Jammu Divisions with senior health officials reporting that the situation is under control.
Giving details about the extent of spread of swine flu and control measures adopted by the hospitals, Director SKIIMS, Srinagar said that no death due to swine flu has been reported during the last 24 hours in the hospital however, 84 patients have been tested positive for swine flu till today. He said all such patients who are suspected of having infection are being treated without waiting for test results besides, a separate OPD for chest patients and 32 bedded isolation ward to treat patients has been created.
Director SKIIMS further informed that Tamiflu Tablets are available in the hospital and 6,000 more Tablets will be arriving tomorrow morning. He said order for 50,000 Tablets has been issued and these will arriving shortly and will be distributed to various hospitals of the state to augment their supplies of Tamiflu Tablets.
At the district level, Directors, Health Services Kashmir and Jammu informed that rapid response scheme has been informed to deal with cases of swine flu and patients are being categorized and provided immediate treatment accordingly.
Chief Secretary stressed on educating the people about the infection through TV talks, Radio, News Papers besides, issuing advisories regarding Do’s and Don’ts to check spread of the infection and to address apprehensions.
Earlier, Chief Secretary also chaired the Governing body meeting of National Health Mission and reviewed progress achieved against various health indicators including IMR, TFR, institutional deliveries under Janani Suraksha Yojna , Child Sex Ratio etc.