J ammu and Kashmir Cultural Academy is in a virtual shambles and to expect from it to promote art, literature and culture is to expect an apple from a pined and dry tree. In other words, the Academy is made to starve for its staff . Is it that the requirement thereof was felt to be of no utility as the productive graph of its literary and cultural activities is continuously on the dwindle. From the clerical cadre to the top post of the Secretary , the Academy faces a cut of 60 percent which should be clarified as to whether done after proper assessment and proper planning or just no attention of the concerned department is paid to that end. The spree of superannuation of most of its employees has resulted in no replacements while some more are due to retire but one thing is certain that no serious efforts are on for filling vacant posts at least those where really work of whatever magnitude done is suffering. We have, on umpteen times, voiced concern about the absence of a well planned, defined, lineated and workable personnel policy which ought to be all comprehensive to take care of issues like the one under reference. Rules are not framed and if framed there are on piecemeal basis and different ones for different departments. The Academy too is suffering on that count. We urge the Government to take a holistic view and engage experts in personnel and Human Resources Affairs to chalk out policies and rules for postings, transfers, recruitments, promotions , disciplinary proceedings and awarding punishments etc to preempt the situations like the one faced by the Academy