Daily Horoscope 02-Nov-2013

Aries : You are likely to get some sort of materialistic help from your family today. It is most probably for a good purpose, so Ganesha asks you to make sure that you use it for the same purpose. You may end up spending the evening with your loved ones who have helped you.

Taurus : You are likely to remain unconquerable and unassailable throughout the day. Caution: Stay focussed and avoid frittering away your time and energy. You may face stress at work or in some ongoing project. Expect a relatively serene evening with your beloved, says Ganesha.

Gemini : You will be seized with a desire to splurge on yourself, and will seek comfortable solitude amidst luxury. You will want to shut yourself away from the world and pursue your passions. The evening should see you spending time frolicking with a special someone, says Ganesha.

Cancer : This is a favourable day for you. Ganesha sees the chance of a gain from womenfolk. Surprisingly, your work will be finished without any pre-planning. Ties with bosses and colleagues will be steady without any ups and downs. Some of your dreams may be realised.

Leo : To fulfill your stated goals and aspirations you will work harder than usual today. You will take on more responsibility, and will garner praise for your business acumen. Going out to lunch or dinner with friends is a distinct possibility and you will in all probability generously offer to bear all the resulting expenses, says Ganesha.

Virgo : You will be unstoppable today, no one will be able to defeat you in any task. However, Ganesha says you will spend most of your time today running after illusions. Unknowingly, you may attract unwanted anxiety related to current work.

Libra : Ganesha says today you need to be careful about taking up any new ventures, agreements or deals in business today. You may have to bear the ire of higher ups in your office today but after the afternoon your work ability and skills will suitable impress them and remove any doubts that they had in you earlier. Since you will be spending more time at work today people in your family will get angry at feeling neglected

Scorpio : You enjoy being a social butterfly today, says Ganesha. Evening will be spent wining and dining in the company of pleasant and like-minded people. During the day, you keep planning for the evening. And perhaps, that’s the reason that you are not in the mood to work today.

Sagittarius : Ganesha has to offer too many things on the platter today. Don’t get confused if things don’t appear as expected. Unexpected things may yield better results. There’s lots more at the end of tiresome day. Let your hair down and hit the dance floor.

Capricorn : Most of us have an idol from whom derive motivation and inspiration. Today, you will find your idol and get inspired to perform better. During the later part of the day, you get into a war of words with somebody. Avoid this, otherwise you may have to face some legal consequences, warns Ganesha. Also, it can hurt your career prospects.

Aquarius : You will take up the road less travelled today. You will find solace in spiritualism. You have worked really hard till now, and it’s time to take breather, feels Ganesha. Spend some time with your friends, unwind yourself, travel to your favourite destination and rejuvenate yourself. By doing so, you will not be wasting time; in fact, you are preparing yourself to bring a better tomorrow.

Pisces : With Ganeshaís blessings you will be successful in executive meetings and appointments with high level bureaucrats. You will make contacts with the right people due to luck being on your side today. This will directly affect your capabilities and fame at work. You will celebrate your progress in the evening with friends and family, says Ganesha