DAJ objects to scrutinizing attendance by junior Revenue officers

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Aug 28: Doctors Association Jammu (DAJ) has raised objections on scrutinizing of doctors’ attendance by junior officers of Revenue Department.
In a statement issued today, DAJ president Dr Balvinder Singh said in recently announced changes, powers were decentralized from LG office to various administrative levels in order to scrutinize and streamline working culture in Government offices across the Union Territory. He said that if all the Government machinery will work efficiently, this militancy affected part will flourish and achieve all milestones in timely manner.
Briefing about the system, he expressed his concern about reports received from various health centres across the Jammu Division where for purpose of inspection/checking attendance of doctors, junior revenue officers were sent by SDM offices. Dr Balvinder expressed anguish and condemned such kind of work culture where a junior officer is sent to ascertain the functioning of a senior gazetted officer.
“We are not against daily inspection of office attendance but as ordered by LG office, SDM is the authorized officer and not a junior Revenue official,” the DAJ president asserted. He suggested that in order to maintain dignity of doctors, inspection team should comprise of either a doctor or some other gazetted officer not below their rank.
“Junior Revenue officers sent in peripheral hospitals for scrutinizing attendance of doctors is humiliating for senior most doctors,” Dr Singh said and urged the administration to consider demand of doctors for better coordination and efficient work culture while maintaining dignity, honour and sanity of the doctors’ profession.