DAK demands uninterrupted electricity supply to save patients

Excelsior Correspondent

SRINAGAR, Oct 7: Doctors Association Kashmir (DAK) today demanded uninterrupted electricity supply in homes where the COVID-19 positive patients are currently under isolation and need continuous oxygen supply.
DAK praised the services of doctors and paramedics for effectively managing COVID-19 patients in hospitals and at home by providing both online and offline assistance.
President DAK, Dr Suhail Naik said that the home quarantine and isolation has proved a game-changer in the management of pandemic as it has decongested the hospitals to a larger extent and has improved psychological stability among masses.
He said subsequently a large number of COVID patients is receiving oxygen therapy at home under strict observation and guidance of the health care workers.
“The continuous supply of oxygen demands an uninterrupted supply of electricity and is life-saving for such patients. Therefore we request the Power Development Department to provide uninterrupted electricity during coming winters so that a huge number of lives can be saved,” he said.
DAK said a large number of patients suffering from Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) develop frequent exacerbations during winters and often need oxygen therapy.
The doctor’s body has appealed people to adhere to health guidelines and protocols strictly as the novel coronavirus pneumonia can kill anyone irrespective of age and comorbidities.