Dal degradation

Refer your editorial ‘Dal degradation’ DE Feb 22. The world famous Dal Lake in Srinagar is losing its charm and glory with each passing day. The degradation of the Dal is an everyday news items in media. Many agencies  including courts are engaged in its conservation. Crores of rupees have been spent on its maintenance. Even then there is no much visible improvement in its outlook. The Dal has considerably shrunk from what it was once.
Unless stake-holders who are directly or indirectly linked with the Dal do not realise importance of keeping it clean, it will continue to degrade.
It may not be out context to say here that the Dal is an important tourist attraction in the Srinagar city. Every year thousands of tourists local and foreign come to see it, and add to local economy. The stake-holders have just to imagine the consequences if the Dal will lose its charm in any way.
The Government must educate the stake-holders about the fall out, if this world famous water body is not maintained on regular basis.
Besides, strict  action should be taken against those who have encroached on the Dal banks by erecting illegal structures.
Unless the Government deals with the issue firmly, this water body can’t be saved.
Yours etc…
Mushtaq Ahmed