Dalai Lama consecrates Turthot Tharpaling

Dalai Lama consecrating Shenam Turthot Tharpaling. —Excelsior/Morup Stanzin
Dalai Lama consecrating Shenam Turthot Tharpaling. —Excelsior/Morup Stanzin

Excelsior Correspondent

LEH, July 19: Soon after arriving in Leh via chopper from Zanskar valley this morning, the 14th Dalai Lama has consecrated the newly constructed Shenam “Turthot Tharpaling” (crematorium) today.
The Dalai Lama also unveiled the 9ft statue of “Sangyas Opakmet” (Buddha Amitabha) built at the Turthot Tharpaling. J&K Ladakh Affairs and Cooperative Minister Chering Dorje, MP Thupstan Chhewang, CEC Dr Sonam Dawa, Executive Councillors, Councillor, monks, district officers, nambardars of Lower Leh and large number of devotees were present to grace the occasion.
The crematorium ground spread on 27 kanals of land in the heart of city is developed by Shenam Stanthung Tsogspa to facilitate the people from remote village facing problems to cremate the bodies after death. Shenam Stanthung Tsogspa members and nambarders of  Lower Leh appreciating the Sheyam Stanthung Tsogspa for developing this crematorium place to serve the needy at the time of cremation.
The Dalai Lama in his blessing speech emphasized the need of developing good heart and mind to die peacefully without any fear. He also said the performing last rites rituals prayer or “Choga” at the time of funeral is most beneficial to the departed soul. “I’m very much impressed with the social worker Baba Amte method of burring the leprosy effected bodies and then planting a sapling over it which is not an environment friendly activity but also the trees keep us reminding the dead ones” said Dalai Lama adding that this crematorium place will serve to many in the future and urged the people to stay happily and harmoniously.
Shenam Stanthung Tsogspa Secretary Sonam Dorje (SoSo) while interacting with media said the entire Ladakhis especially the Tsogspa member feel blessed to get blessing of Dalai Lama-the compassionate Buddha who personally consecrated this place.
He also mentioned that another purpose of the common crematorium in the heart of city to make the people realise about the impermanent nature of human and by seeing this place people will start to realise about death which is very important to develop love and compassion.
Responding to media query Geshe Konchok Wangdus said that this place consecrated by many Rinpoches is the holiest place to perform last rites.