DAP will fight for rights of local populace: Tara Chand

Senior DAP leaders during a party programme in Samba district.
Senior DAP leaders during a party programme in Samba district.

Excelsior Correspondent

SAMBA, Oct 13: Former Deputy Chief Minister Tara Chand today said that Democratic Azad Party (DAP) is the party which will fight for the rights of local populace.
“DAP will fight for restoration of statehood along with safeguarding the land rights of the masses of Jammu and Kashmir,” Tara Chand said while interacting with a number of delegations in Samba district. He was accompanied by other members of recently formed Central Zone Committee of DAP. He said Ghulam Nabi Azad is always the first choice of masses as a chief minister of J&K.
The Committee members comprising Tara Chand, general secretary RS Chib, former Minister Dr Manohar Lal Sharma, former MLA Balwan Singh, senior leader and Advocate MK Bhardwaj, senior leader Vinod Mishra, ex-MLC Subash Gupta, ex-MLC Vinod Mishra and senior leader Sobit Ali met a number of delegations of Samba Assembly Constituency at Samba.
Speaking on the occasion, former minister RS Chib said it was during tenure of Ghulam Nabi Azad as Chief Minister & Union Minister that large quantum of developmental works were initiated and accomplished in J&K and especially in Jammu division. He said creation of new districts was also gift by Azad to the masses.
Thakur Balwan Singh said that DAP would intensify struggle for the restoration of statehood with protection to jobs and lands for the local people. He said there is no other leader like Azad in any other party.
Dr ManoharLal Sharma said that DAP as a party will always fight for safeguarding the rights of the localities and once in power they will deal in time bound manner with land, mining, liquor and construction mafia which under BJP regime has flourished.
MK Bhardwaj said that time has come to overthrow this anti-people Government.