Dard Shina people stage protest, allege injustice

People belonging to Shina community staging protest in Srinagar on Monday. - Excelsior/Shakeel.
People belonging to Shina community staging protest in Srinagar on Monday. - Excelsior/Shakeel.

Excelsior Correspondent

Srinagar, Feb 28: People belonging to the Dard Shina community today protested against what they termed as discrimination, injustice by the officers in tehsil Kangan, Gund in issuing them Scheduled Tribe (ST) certificates.
Scores of people belonging to the community assembled here in the Press Enclave and were raising slogans in favour of their demands while urging the administration to take action against the erring officers in Tehsil Gund and Kangan
Haji Jan Muhammad of Tehsil Kangan said that they came from Tulail and Gurez 30 years ago and settled in Kangan and other areas and even the Government accorded them Scheduled Tribe (ST) status way back in 1989.
“Our people are living in almost everywhere across Kashmir, and they are easily being given the ST certificates by the concerned officers in their Tehsils, but when it comes to Tehsil Gund and Kangan, they are working in total contrast, they are not issuing the certificates at all,” he said.
He said that both the Tehsilsars in the twin districts for reasons better known to them are not issuing the certificates despite orders from the higher-ups.
“We have raised the issue with the Divisional Commissioner, as well as the Deputy Commissioner, Ganderbal, but despite their orders in this regard, the concerned Tehsildars are not bothering to comply,” the residents said.
The residents appealed to the concerned authorities to look into the matter and ensure that they are not met with discrimination, injustice, and initiate steps to ensure that the certificates are issued.