Darhal segment reels under water, power scarcity; roads too in bad shape

Gopal Sharma
DARHAL: Darhal constituency of district Rajouri, recently represented by former PDP Legislator, Ch Zulfkar Ali continued to reel under severe water and power scarcity. The condition of most of the roads and main Rajouri-Kandi- Budhal Road, which is under BRO, is also not good, although from Palma side, the work has been expedited.
The people of this entire constituency are facing lot of problems due to inadequate health care facilities, shortage of doctors and other para-medical staff. Even for small ailments, the Medical staff refers the case to District Hospital, Rajouri from Darhal, Kotranka and Budhal. Most of the water sources go dry during hot summer days and the people of most of the villages and hamlets remain depend on the natural sources like, nallahs and springs.
This was second consecutive term of Ch Zulfkar Ali from Darhal constituency. During 2014 elections, Zulfkar secured 24,381 votes and defeated NC candidate Liaqat Choudhary, who got 19,313 votes. Iqbal Malik of INC remained at third place with 18,605 votes.
Excelsior team conducted extensive survey of the entire constituency recently and interacted with a large number of people at Budhal, Khawas, Samote, Kotranka, Rehan, Targain, Swari, Danna, Tralla, Charhan, Dhar Sakri, Peeri, Mandargalla, Darhal, Thanna Mang, Chowkian and several other villages. It was found that water and power related problems have remained almost same as it were about 5 years ago. The team recorded the statements of villagers and sought their remarks with respect to performance of their recent MLA during this term.
In Kotranka area, many people spoke in favour of ex-MLA and former Minister Zulfkar , giving him the credit for several works initiated including providing ADC to Kotranka, improving road condition in some areas, opening of many ration outlets in the area, up-gradation of schools and sanctioning of many roads under PMGSY/CRF etc but the people from Budhal said that they are demanding restoration of their old Rajnagar `Kool’ which has been broken at several places but concerned authorities and their recent MLA did not give attention towards this popular demand. In the entire constituency, there is not even a single Gynecologist while people are dependent for delivery cases on the District Hospital, Rajouri. Darhal, Budhal and Kotranka hospitals are suffering for want of adequate staff.
Mohd Shabir and Chander Shakher from Budhal said in Govt High School Gabbar, which is hardly 6 kms away, there is no Laboratory and Library. There are four ReT teachers, one headmaster out of the sanctioned strength of 12. The school building construction is pending for the last eight years. They said the college building is also incomplete. Power is available for about 10- 12 hours per day and condition of the road could not be improved as GREF authorities are carrying out work very slowly.
Shakeel Ahmed and Lal Chand from Samote said that for the last some time CAPD Department is providing ration after three months. In the process, the full quota of ration has been denied to the public. There is no supply of kerosene oil. NREGA funds are credited in the accounts without proper verification and there are some GRS drawing a salary of just Rs 4500 per month and have raised beautiful `Kothis’ and owned JCBs and Tippers and doing work with machines in sheer violation of MGNREGA norms.
Mohd Din from Bakori (Kandi) and Zakir from Targain claimed that MLA has done many works in the area. Several new Govt buildings are coming up. The pace of work on Rajouri- Budhal Road has also picked up. Post of new Additional DC has been created. They, however, said that water supply position is still grim. The power supply is also bad.
Chain Singh from Sadda (Khawas)- referred to the worst water and power supply position in Sadda and Kanthol areas. He said people are facing lot of crisis and have to bring water on horses from Nallas and natural springs. When a transformer is damaged it take at least one month to replace the same or get it repaired. But the people are made to pay flat rate of the power bills with out power supply. Schools are reeling under shortage of staff while many teachers remain absent. The road condition is also worst.
Ex-serviceman, Mohd Ayub (Pahalwan) from Kotranka maintained that basic issues still remained unchanged. He said the Government has failed to provide adequate supply of drinking water to the public. There is need to improve power supply as well as it affects the water supply also. Ayub said not only in this town, but water and power supply position is also grim in adjoining villages like Badal, Khawas,Gadyog, Keri, Bela, Gunda, Kanthol, Khah Jamola and Swari.
There is need to improve local bus stand, raise public toilets at 3-4 places in the town and improve road condition. There is need to speed up road work taken up by BRO. He suggested to create good play field in Kotranka -Budhal areas and provide sports facilities to the local youth so that they do not fall prey to drugs.
Nazir Hussain from Tralla, Mohd Shafi and Mohd Sadiq from Swari villages said that there was no change in water and power supply position in last 3-4 years in the area. The PHE pipes are dry and broken at many places. Moreover, there is no tanker water supply to the area during hot summer days. The people are not getting adequate supply of ration and sugar supply is provided rarely. The health care facilities are also inadequate while people hardly get NREGA works and pending payments.
The people constructed toilets but they have not been provided Rs 12,000 payment. Shafi said 25-bedded new hospital in Sawari was constructed but there was no doctor. One Mohd Shabir from Peeri said new PHC has come up in the area with the initiative of former MLA but road is yet to be improved. Hassan Mohd from Kenchi village said PHE pipes were laid about 20 years ago but area is still without supply of water. There is need to hold probe into the matter.
Haji Mohd Yaqoob from Ujjan in Darhal alleged that water, power, health care and roads are the main issues which could not be resolved since long. He said a balanced development of entire constituency is needed but unfortunately, less attention is being given to Darhal belt. He said there was shortage of staff at local hospital. Road condition is bad. The former MLA failed to provide Degree College at Darhal. Haji Alam Din from Thanna Mang, Kursheed and Ch Ghulam Hyder from Darhal said that ration supply was almost adequate but people were facing long power cuts. They said water supply in the local town is almost adequate but road condition is worst. They said Rs 28 crore has been sanctioned for this road but the pace of work is very slow. Degree College is the main burning demand of Darhal people, they added.
Ch Zulfkar Ali (Ex-MLA/Minister) When contacted, said that he has initiated many development works in the area and a large number of new projects were in the pipeline. He said Kotranka- Khawas road with Rs 76 crore funds under CRF, has been sanctioned and the work has been taken up. With funds worth Rs 32 crore, Rajouri -Darhal Road is being upgraded and the work is going on. About 300 kms roads would be macadamized during this year in entire constituency. Ujjan bridge was recently completed and made trafficable.
Zulfkar said major irrigation project worth over Rs 80 crore with construction of Aans Canal has been taken up in this area and over 5000 ha land in Peeri, Dhar Sakri and adjoining villages would be irrigated. He said many new ration depots were sanctioned in the area. New PHC has been constructed at Peer. Gujjar Hostels at Nagrota near Rajouri and Kotranka have been constructed. A new indoor sports stadium with the cost of Rs 4 crore and Amusement Park are being constructed at Kotranka. New ITI with cost of Rs 30 crore has been constructed at Kotranka. Eco Tourism Park over an area of 400 kanals is coming up at Kandigalla. Shakermarg Tourist spot in upper reaches of Darhal is being developed with the cost of Rs 6 crore with tracking facilities. At Raiki Ban near Darhal, Trout Fish Farm with the cost of Rs 4 crore is also coming up soon.
Referring to water crisis in the area, Zulfkar said during summer months water sources go dry and this problem is faced in the entire Rajouri district. He said a new WSS with the cost of Rs 8 crore in Khah Jamola area has been taken up. Eight adjoining villages would be covered under the scheme. He claimed that 10 Govt schools have been upgraded and five of them have been upgraded to the level of Higher Secondary. Four Tribal Cluster Model villages are coming up soon and Rs 10 crore is being spent on each cluster. Nearly 250 new electric transformers were installed and 1500 km LT/HT power lines were laid in the entire constituency during last three years, Zulfkar claimed.