Dastardly act

It is not the question of dastardly killing in cold blood of two innocent brothers Anil Parihar and Ajit Parihar in Kishtwar only by “suspected terrorists” which must stun everyone but what is more startling is that terrorism is spreading its tentacles horizontally and vertically in Jammu and Kashmir. Jammu has in the past witnessed many attacks by these marauders and even incidents recently having taken place also but if this is any indication of what these mercenaries of Pakistan are up to, it would be our monumental blunder not to read the writing on the wall. We, however, vehemently abominate and despise killing of these two innocent brothers in Kishtwar. The killers should be arrested at any cost and awarded a deterrent punishment commensurate to the crime.
That the deceased were affiliated to a political party which is ruling the country and till a few months back was ruling Jammu and Kashmir as well in coalition with the Peoples Democratic Party, a Kashmir centric mainstream party but having notable following in Jammu and Ladakh as well, did not make them “condemned” to be shot dead at point blank range. It is guff and rubbish to point to “political differences” or any sort of such alibi as no one should lose one’s life for that blather. Where were their PSOs and how they could leave them too needs to be probed into.
Let us now leave beating around the bush and shun pouring into the “reasons and causes” vessel our intellectual faculties for churning and not hit the nail on the head. It is this approach which makes these rabid outlaws emboldened who at the behest of a rogue country are otherwise motivated enough to perpetuate crimes with such planning and expectations of killing many “birds” with one stone. Not only they executed these killings just to strike a surprise but they wanted to create and spread sensation across the state. Secondly, they wanted to disturb communal harmony. Thirdly, they wanted to convey that terrorism was not confined to the valley of Kashmir only but was “spreading fast” towards Jammu region as well. Fourthly, they wanted to send the message around that entire Jammu and Kashmir was disturbed. Fifthly, with a view to blast the claim of state police and intelligence agencies that they were always alert and vigilant. They should have known about the satanic plans of these terrorists to defeat their designs. Finally, they knew that except dishing out routine statements of “Ninda” and “Condemnation”, no concrete action would be taken either by pre-empting the attack or apprehending them after committing the dastardly act.
Let us not discount or trivialise the incident of the cold blooded murder of the two brothers in Kishtwar by apportioning blame games and trading charges and counter charges. It is incumbent upon everyone in the political sphere to join in to launch a crusade against this terror which is now appearing to attain immunity as many political leaders keep only on harping about talks with Pakistan and healing touch and CBMs as and when they kill and destroy. No one from the mainstream State political parties advises them in no uncertain words to stop getting trapped by the mechanisations of Pakistan and to leave the gun as that would spell disaster for them, their families and their own state and would benefit the enemy only who uses these people as their cannon fodder to “realise the daydream” of annexing Kashmir.
It is not the time to keep on spreading hair splitting and horrifying criticism against political parties by other parties like “dividing the people”, “endangering the institutions” “democracy in danger”, “era of scare and fear” etc on a continuous basis leading to the criticism being less of usual criticism in democracy and more of hate and detesting which feeds and nurses the severity of the indoctrination the terrorists have otherwise undergone to join terror groups. We do not underestimate the efforts of the Government or by the security forces in fighting the scourge but strongly urge to evolve a more stringent policy to wipe out this blot on human civilization.