DC for strict action against encroachers on NH

Excelsior Correspondent
KATHUA, Mar 18: Deputy Commissioner, Kathua, Dr Shahid Iqbal Choudhary carried out inspection of various places identified for development as parking slots in Kathua town and its vicinity, status of encroachments along National Highway and illegal parking in prohibited areas. Plan for upgradation of parking was also reviewed.
The DC instructed the officers of PWD, Municipal Council and Urban Local Bodies for immediate development of parking slots at places identified to de-congest the main town. Parking slots are being developed on Stadium Road, Nagri Chowk, Shaheedi Chowk, Municipal Council premises, Ram Leela ground and other main places.
District Police and Traffic Police have been asked for a detailed parking and traffic plan as well as plan for immediate removal of encroachments along the roads within the city and along the national. He called upon officers for strict action against encroachers along roads and national highway as well as violators of traffic rules.
Municipal Council and PWD have been asked to prepare amenity map of Kathua town and provide parking spaces at various places with a reasonable distance from main market, court road, Shaheedi Chowk and other congested areas. Administration has also launched drive against violation of traffic rules and district police is laying nakas to take action against defaulters.
District Police and Traffic Police have been entrusted with the task of mapping shadow areas on National Highway which includes encroachments, idle and illegal parking and damaged road for which NHAI is being directed for immediate action. A drive for removal of illegal encroachments and action against illegal parking has been initiated.
SSP Kathua Neeva Jain, SSP Traffic Ravi Kanta, RTO Nazir Ahmed Sheikh, Addl SP Nasir Ahmed, Executive Engineer PWD K S Nathyal, ARTO Salim, CEO Municipal Council, Tehsildar Kathua and other officers accompanied the Deputy Commissioner during field inspection and visit.
They also visited the premises of truck union to take stock of situation arisen out of rivalry between two unions and the operation of truck union has been handed over to RTO after banning the operation of union based on series of complaints and law & order issue created earlier.
Later, the DC along with Assistant Commissioner Development Tilak Raj, Executive Engineer REW, BDO Barnoti and other officers visited Airwan panchayat to inspect various ongoing works under model village scheme and reviewed the progress of works.