DDC member meets CS, Div Com Jammu

DDC member Riyaaz Bashir Naaz with the Chief Secretary and the Divisional Commissioner Jammu on Friday.
DDC member Riyaaz Bashir Naaz with the Chief Secretary and the Divisional Commissioner Jammu on Friday.

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Dec 23: Riyaaz Bashir Naaz DDC member from Poonch today called on Chief Secretary A.K. Mehta and Divisional Commissioner Jammu Ramesh Kumar at Civil Secretariat.
Naaz raised the issue of upgradation and enhance the capacity of receiving station at Loran and Chandak Poonch, in order to meet with the power crises in the border district.
He also urged the Chief Secretary to mitigate the deficiency of doctors in District Hospital Poonch and Sub District Hospital Mandi and also to improve the infrastructure of District Hospital Poonch.
He stressed upon to fasten the Jal Jeevan Mission in Poonch so that water connectivity shall be provided to public at every doorstep.
Upgradation of schools and roads were the other issues discussed.
Mehta gave patient hearing to all the issues and assured that work on projects shall start very soon. He also emphasised on making Campaign Clean India (Swach Bharat Abhiyan) a grand success.