DDCs disallowed to spend on PMAY cases, electric poles: Tony

Excelsior Correspondent

SUCHETGARH, Mar 24: DDC Member Suchetgarh, Taranjit Singh Tony on Thursday condemned the government for disallowing DDCs to spend money on public welfare measures including PMAY cases and in providing electric poles.
In a handout Tony claimed that the Chief Secretary has issued instructions for DDCs disallowing them from spending money on PMAY cases.
He also raised the issue of PDD denying electricity poles to ensure electricity to the fields of farmers to drive water pump sets for irrigation purposes.
The DDC Member said that during previous budget allocations, DDC Members were allowed to provide money for such poles but this time the government has asked the DDCs not to provide any such assistance thus creating embarrassing situation for DDCs as they have to face the people who are in dire need of the facilities. He claimed that canal water never reaches the tail end villages and looking into the past records, the farmers this time also have no hope from the canal which becomes defunct as it reaches far off villages in R.S Pura.
Tony condemned the UT administration for not allowing DDCs to spend their money according to the needs of the people.