Dead and reborn

It is either a bizarre fraud or total incompetency of the officials in School Education Department. A teacher is declared dead and the case of producing fraudulent educational certificate from the BOSE on the basis of which he had got employed as a teacher under Rehbar-e-Taleem scheme in the Department of School Education is sought to be shelved. The request made by the Zonal Education Officer to the Board of School Education authorities to verify the authenticity of the educational certificate was withdrawn on the plea that the person involved was already dead and it was futile to conduct probe.
This is not the first case of a fake certificate. Earlier also, there have been many such cases. Of course when some stray case comes to the notice of the authorities some hue and cry is raised for a couple of days and then people begin to forget about it. BOSE authorities should devise mechanism to emboss some insignia on the certificates to make it difficult for anybody to duplicate it. Producing fake certificates has to be categorized as crime and severely punishable. Anybody forging a fake certificate especially in professional field is committing a grievous crime against innocent and meritorious students. How many people have so far run away with fake certificates? We have not an iota of doubt that there is a nexus between the insiders and outsiders at the BOSE. This organization has come under scanner and some cases of fraud and deceit have been unearthed in the past. Yet despite that, the State Government never put its foot down to dismantle the structure of corruption in this institution.