Deaths by heroin consumption unreported: DAK

Excelsior Correspondent

Srinagar, June 30: Doctors Association Kashmir (DAK) today said young people are dying due to heroin abuse in Kashmir, which at the same time is not being reported.
“Heroin-related deaths go unreported in the valley,” said DAK President Dr Nisar ul Hassan.
“The heroin addicts admitted in the de-addiction centre at SMHS hospital revealed that their friends are dying on a regular basis due to heroin use and these deaths are not reported,” he said.
“It was only after seeing their peers dying in bathrooms, bedrooms and living rooms, these heroin addicts sought medical advice,” Dr Nisar said.
“Young people abusing heroin are either brought dead to hospitals or they die in intensive care units undiagnosed because the families hide their history of drug abuse,” he added.
Dr Nisar said more heroin addicts are dying now because they have moved from snorting (inhaling through the nose) to injectables making the drug even more lethal.
“The official figure of 343 heroin addicts in the valley is a gross underestimate as most of the abusers don’t seek medical attention,” Dr Nisar said adding.
“5525 drug addicts were registered in the year 2018-2019 at SMHS de-addiction centre. From cannabis to medicinal opioids to solvents, the youth of Kashmir are hooked to different substances,” he said.