Deciphering “Raja” and “outsiders”

Shiban Khaibri
“When they cannot find anything
wrong with you, they create it , hence never try
to destroy someone with a lie when yours can be destroyed with the truth…”
We used to hear and with a great sense of patriotism, a song filmed in a Hindi movie written by a famous poet and songwriter Pradip , “Hum layen hain toofan say kishti nikal kay , iss desh ko rakhna mere bachoo sambhal kay.” Poets play a unique role and their poems generally are highly motivating, touching our hearts , feelings and emotions and besides loaded with the perspective of the present , poetry can give us the glimpse of future that could emerge to our advantage or to our peril depending upon the nature of our actions . Therefore, do we all in this country , sincerely speaking so, have the courage and determination to follow what the poet in this famous song advises- – “Iss desh ko rakhna mere bachoo sambhal key ” . Well, while doing a serious analysis, one’s fingers are bound to remain crossed. Politics, politics and politics– generally of very low standard ,is what we are virtually fated to see around in this country for the last many years. Most of the politicians having emptied their quivers of all the “permissible ” political arrows , now such political missiles are shot by them that either whatever the gains hard earned, are bound to be feared to be reversed and lost or the sovereignty and the integrity of this partitioned country is feared slowly to be greatly jeopardised and even democracy attempted to be subverted while clamouring ”Save democracy”. Who seriously bothers for this country – very few of the present day politicians – cannot be the satisfying barometer . Trying to grabbing power by hook or crook and by employing any means including using foreign platforms to malign the country and our culture thus sending indirect invitation to hostile elements to actively intervene, has made such type of politics an anathema to a common citizen.
Something known as “Deep State” and “Sorosian effect” agreeably are not mere concepts about which the political parties of this country including especially the ruling one , are needed to remain fully aware and vigilant. In the interests of this country , it has to be ensured that there were no supporters or sympathisers of the structure of the “Deep State” in this country.
However, elections to the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir Assembly having been announced and polling dates too decided, campaigning and motivating voters by political parties to vote for them being a democratic process, has also begun. That development in the changed context in the UT is undoubtedly a great achievement in itself. It is not out of context to mention that not only are the people of this country keenly watching the developments in respect of these elections but even many other countries too are interested to know all about these elections – though with varied purposes. We may have differences of opinion inter-se, but we all are Bhartis and have to remain vigilant and very cautious. It is , therefore, a natural corollary that due interest is increasingly generated in respect of what the leaders of the political parties while campaigning speak , announce via manifestoes and make promises , thereafter levels of implementation thereof notwithstanding .
In respect of Jammu and Kashmir, therefore, one cannot afford to go off the line and take lavish liberties in speaking with less responsibility , authority, restraint and accountability without calculating the repercussions of any type of unwarranted statement made as the same can have the potentiality of an irreversible fallout. In the same way , while campaigning , indulging in the quality of criticism of the present dispensation , presenting of existing economic position in the proper perspective , rights of the citizens , denial if any of their legitimate due etc too must be weighed and pruned lest it could boomerang into a great problem giving fillip to undesirable and disruptive forces to resurrect . In that landscape , it was expected that Rahul Gandhi , the Congress leader and the LOP would, during campaigning and addressing public meetings, resort to nothing of the sort which could be interpreted and understood in its core literal meaning triggering widespread disquiet among the patriotic citizens and be of a lot of use to those elements from within and without who are inimical to Kashmir returning fast to normalcy and usual daily routine as we have been observing post abrogation of vexed and irritable Article 370 of the constitution. It is quite unfortunate that while he maintained complete silence on how his party and the alliance partner National Conference (NC) proposed to fight and finish the residual traces of Pakistan sponsored terrorism in the UT , he kept quiet , reflecting the misty stand of his party , whether the repeated rant of the NC to talk to Pakistan ( not knowing for what) was at all , even in the least, acceptable to Congress. Not opposing any move or any type of demand for restoration of the Article 370 by the NC has again led speculations to pursuing an ambiguous stand. The Congress leader also did not clarify whether his party agreed in principle with its alliance partner to release from prison those persons charged of different acts of violence including terror related matters. No one can deny an opportunity to a person with a changed heart to join the mainstream and act like a responsible law abiding Indian citizen but any type of “at random” approach in this respect could be an unaffordable venture about which Rahul Gandhi spoke not a word. Opening routes of “trade” via LOC with Pakistan and PoK as proposed by leaders of the alliance partner of the Congress like a sensitive issue too, was not touched. It is a general belief that if there is a stoic silence on any sensitive issue and no denial thereof , it could mean an acquiesce and an endorsement .The plight of over 5 lakh hounded out Kashmiri Hindus and their fate hanging in balance for 35 years in a row , too was not touched in his speeches by the Congress leader not to speak of what a cogent blue print was there in its policy to get them back dignifiedly settled and rehabilitated in their 5300 years’ roots in Kashmir. The list is long and clarifications and firm assurances are required.
It is astonishing to note that Rahul Ji called the Lieutenant Governor as functioning like “kings of the past ” and told that in 1947 “We removed Rajas and formed democratic governments” . What is this “We” which is intentionally and consciously freely used by the Congress leaders , be it “getting freedom from the British” or establishing democracy , the word “We” is used . Anyway , accuracy and facts about the historical events that took place in 1947 -48 in Jammu and Kashmir is thus found to be in deficit in Rahul Gandhi’s speech and is tantamount to casting aspersions on the last Dogra Maharaja , greatly loved and respected by the people . No body “removed” him but he on his own, as the sovereign ruler of the state, acceded to the Indian Union. About the LG , he further said, “A King is sitting here in J&K , he is taking your wealth away and giving it to outsiders …” Which wealth is taken away by the “empowered by the centre , the sitting King in J&K ” and who are these “outsiders” ? Does it not have the scope of provoking the people for no cause, in fact economic progress of Jammu and Kashmir especially Kashmir region is spectacular , the massive infrastructural development having taken place in which the sweat of the brow of “outsiders” right from labourers to the technicians and professionals can only be appreciated. The term “outsiders” or people from “outside” smacks of spreading dissensions and divisions as also sowing seeds of mistrust and doubts which can prove perniciously damaging to the interests of the UT. It is highly out of context and goes against the much hyped and irritatingly propagated “Nafrat kay Bazaar main Mohabbat Ki Dukaan”. During the last few years, many “outsiders” including poor Rehri Walas and manual labourers were killed by terrorists applying to them the same tag of “outsiders”. Making it look more horrible he added to it the usual unforgettable and necessary ingredient of “RSS and BJP are spreading hatred, violence and fear” but no Pakistan based and sponsored terrorist outfits could be dared to be named by Rahul Gandhi who even now, are spilling the blood of the innocents in Jammu and Kashmir divisions and who have ravaged Kashmir all these three decades.
It seems ludicrous as also highly astonishing that Rahul Gandhi has never ever spared any moment of opportunity in routinely attacking the RSS and the BJP projecting them as most dangerous entities but calls the Kerala Muslim League “fully secular” . If this is Mohabat key Dukaan , how would it be looking like and what type of inventory it could be having to sell, is all shrouded in a paradox. Throwing the baby out along with the bath water would be a folly which perhaps could not be set right which implies that while routinely attacking Modi Ji left and right who looks to Rahul Ji “frightened”, whose ” confidence has gone down”, ”psychologically finished Modi ” whose ” birth is non-biological,” etc etc as revealed by him in his public address, at the same time care should be taken in totally avoiding speaking publicly such words which could harm the peace and normalcy of the UT especially Kashmir division. Canvassing and other activities of electioneering should be in top gear to motivate the voter positively and on cogent basis which is the essence of true and robust democracy. Let any party , any coalition , any Front win and form the Government on the basis of the mandate of the people only to take the UT of Jammu and Kashmir forward to peace, absolute normalcy, economic growth and all round development.