Decisive battle against terror; we will win it, says Modi

Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressing the public at Kanpur in Uttar Pradesh on Friday. (UNI)
Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressing the public at Kanpur in Uttar Pradesh on Friday. (UNI)

‘Jammu blast shows frustration of militants’

Act against those targeting Kashmiris

Sanjeev Pargal
JAMMU, Mar 8: Prime Minister Narendra Modi today declared that the Government has launched decisive battle against terror and it was committed to uproot terrorism as he described yesterday’s blast in Jammu as “an act of frustration” by the militants following bold steps taken against them.
“Militants have realized that their end is near. They are frustrated. It was the result of this frustration that they have targeted Jammu again and triggered a blast yesterday. This (the blast) is a ‘demon’s effort’ but our Government has been striking hard at the terrorism and will uproot it,” Modi said in series of tweets after his address to a rally at Kanpur.
Declaring that his Government was committed to finish off the terrorism, Modi said it was because of his Governments steps that today terrorists, their mentors and those who were taking money from them, are badly frustrated.
“We have taken one after the other bold decisions (against the terror). We have launched the decisive battle against terrorism. We will definitely win the war and uproot the terrorism,” the Prime Minister said, adding that it was not Modi, who will end the terror but 125 crore people of India will unitedly fight and end it.
Seeking help of the people in war against terror, Modi said the citizens of the country should be fully alert, united and fulfill their responsibility towards the nation.
“We need unity, brotherhood in the country. People are my biggest asset. I need your support,” he added.
Coming down heavily on some “crazed people”, who beat-up Kashmiris in Uttar Pradesh, the Prime Minister, however, lauded Yogi Adityanath Government in Uttar Pradesh for taking prompt action against the accused and putting them behind the bars.
“The Uttar Pradesh Government immediately acted against some “crazed people, who had targeted our Kashmiri brothers,” he said and called upon all State Governments to act and take stern action in such incidents.
Few days back, a video had gone viral showing Bajrang Dal activists beating-up two Kashmiri vendors in Lucknow evoking strong condemnation from the people all over. Uttar Pradesh Government has, however, arrested the accused.
Modi blamed the Opposition leaders for insulting the martyrs and benefiting Pakistan, in the country’s war against terrorism.
“Unity is the Mantra. I say to those indulging in spurious politics to join fight against terror, than wasting energy on Modi. The Opposition is giving the slogan of ‘End Modi’ while ‘I’ve been asking for End Terrorism and Corruption,” he said.
He said the country should be united against war on terrorism.
Modi accused the Opposition of “appeasing” Pakistan by seeking proof of the Balakote air strike.
“Will you (people) do anything that appeases Pakistan or makes Pakistan clap? But some of our Opposition leaders have been doing the same for the past 10 days. Identify these people, they are not worried about the country, but scared of going behind the bars and that is why they want to capture power at the Centre,” Modi said.
Pointing about a tweet by a Pakistan Army spokesperson about the air strike, Modi asked: “Is Pakistan stupid to do this (tweet)? The 130 crore people of India are my proof. Please stop appeasing Pakistan.”
The Opposition has been demanding that the Centre come out with the details, including the number of terrorists killed in the air strike by the Indian Air Force in Pakistan’s Balakote last week.
The Prime Minister said the Bharatiya Janata Party-led government did not seek any credit for the air strike.
“Now after the recent air strike, you may have noticed the Indian government was quiet about it. And we did not sleep after the air strike. This ‘chowkidaar’ (watchman) was awake. We showed such bravery, but still kept quiet and did not seek any credit. It was Pakistan which first tweeted about it and started crying from 5 am. It was Pakstan which first spoke about India’s courageous action,” he said.
Modi accused the Congress, Samajwadi Party and the Bahujan Samaj Party among others of not being ready to trust the armed forces. “They are the same people who raised questions and disrespected the armed forces after the (2016) surgical strike. And, gradually when all the facts emerged, they turned speechless.”
The Prime Minister alleged that the previous Government had done nothing after the 2008 Mumbai attacks and if the people wanted a similar response to such incidents, they would not have elected him.
“When terrorists killed our 40 soldiers in Pulwama, should Modi also have kept quiet? If I had to behave the way previous governments did, why did the people elect me?” he asked.
“Is it acceptable to you the way they (previous Government) did? Should not I work according to the will of the people? Doesn’t every Indian want to teach Pakistan a lesson? Doesn’t every Indian want to teach terrorists a lesson in their own language? Should not terrorism be uprooted? Shouldn’t Modi continue on this mission with your blessings?” the Prime Minister asked.