Bihar and Madhya Pradesh Governments have taken a decision of its own nature in that it has accorded journalists the status of COVID ”frontline workers” for purposes of getting vaccinated on priority. Journalists accredited with the Information and Public Relations Department at the state level and those non accredited journalists authenticated by the district public relation officer will be vaccinated on priority level. Since the eligibility criteria of ”frontline workers” prerogative has been granted in their favour, they, therefore are to get vaccinated on preference from now onwards. Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir and Union Territory of Ladakh should also declare journalists as ‘frontline-warriors’ as they have been tirelessly working ever since the outbreak of this pandemic and highlighting public grievances. While this decision will be just one step towards recognising the role of the print and electronic media in respect of giving COVID related news, information and other details and the amount of risk they are subjected to while reporting COVID information, the fraternity of journalists will really take it as an inspiration to connect people and the Government in more realistic and desired way so that COVID management could further improve.