Declare Pak High Commissioner ‘persona non grata’: Brig Gupta

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Aug 14: Reacting sharply to the provocative comments of Abdul Basit, Pakistan’s High Commissioner in India, during the celebration of his nation’s Independence Day at the Pakistan High Commission in New Delhi wherein he interfered in the internal affairs of India by talking about freedom of Kashmir, Brig (retd) Anil Gupta, State spokesperson of Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has urged the Government of India to declare Abdul Basit as a persona non grata and expel him immediately.
Abdul Basit’s statement that Kashmir will be free one day and his act of dedicating “today’s independence day celebrations to the independence of Kashmir” are blatant breaches of diplomatic protocol, he added. Abdul Basit on earlier occasions also has crossed the ‘Red Line’ which was ignored by the government yet he continues to misuse his diplomatic immunity by meddling in India’s internal affairs unashamedly lamented Brig Gupta.
Abdul Basit has thrown to wind all the diplomatic niceties and is behaving like a spokesperson of the Pakistani deep State attempting to provoke the Indian Government and such a person has no locus standi to stay on the soil of India asserted Brig Gupta. Abdul Basit was responsible for scuttling the commencement of likely peace process between the two countries when he insisted on holding consultations with Kashmiri separatist leaders despite India’s objection just prior to the scheduled meeting of the foreign secretaries of the two countries. He has not only been interacting with the separatists but also issuing provocative statements from time to time according to Brig Gupta.
It is surprising that Pakistan is not seeing the writing on wall in its country which is heading towards disintegration with freedom movements having peaked in PoJK, Gilgit-Baltistan and Balochistan and continues to dream of detaching Kashmir, an integral part of India. Brig Gupta reminded Pakistan of the statement of India’s Minister for External Affairs Sushma Swaraj, “Pakistan’s stated goal of detaching Kashmir from India will not be realised to the end of eternity.” He once again implored the government to provide moral, political and financial support to the freedom fighters in PoJK and Gilgit-Baltistan since it is part of India in illegal occupation of Pakistan.