Dedication, public service benchmark of NC’s political agenda: Omar

Excelsior Correspondent

Chief Minister, Omar Abdullah addressing party workers at Budgam on Sunday.

BUDGAM, Oct 20: Chief Minister Omar Abdullah, who is also working President of National Conference (NC) today, asked the National Conference workers to live up to the historic tradition of National Conference to serve the people with dedication and public service spirit without any consideration of religion, region and caste.
Addressing the party workers at Budgam, Omar Abdullah said that National Conference has always strived for seeking prosperity, development and political stability in the state, besides ameliorating the lot of common people particularly those belonging to poorer and downtrodden sections of the society.
He said that the unflinching faith of people in the policy programmes and leadership of NC since last over sixty years is the fountain head of this party. He said the workers and leaders of NC have remained epitome of sacrifice and selfless service to the state and its people. He impressed upon the party workers to further strengthen this trait and work for holistic and inclusive development in all the regions and sub-regions of the state.
Referring to the path-breaking and historic decisions taken by his Government to ensure equitable development in all the fields of life, he said our achievements are before the common masses and they would judge us on our performance.
Among others, Minister for Higher Education  Mohammad Akbar Lone and former Minister and MLA Budgam Aga Syed Ruhullah Mehdi were present in the meeting.