Defeat divisive agenda of BJP, gear up for upcoming polls: Rahul

JKPCC leaders during meeting with MP Rahul Gandhi and AICC chief M Kharge in New Delhi on Tuesday.
JKPCC leaders during meeting with MP Rahul Gandhi and AICC chief M Kharge in New Delhi on Tuesday.

*PCC leaders brief Kharge on JK political scenario

Gopal Sharma

JAMMU, Aug 8: Stressing the need to defeat the divisive agenda of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), former All India Congress Committee president and Member Parliament, Rahul Gandhi today asked the JKPCC leaders to gear up their activities for the upcoming Panchayat and Local Bodies elections in Jammu and Kashmir.
Gandhi asked the visiting JKPCC leaders in Delhi to unitedly fight the anti-people and anti-youth policies of the ruling BJP and defeat their divisive agenda in Jammu and Kashmir, to strengthen the party and gear up their activities, keeping an eye on the forthcoming Panchayat and Local Bodies elections.
He told them to concentrate in their respective areas and be amongst the people to highlight their problems. He, at the same time, appreciated JKPCC leaders and cadre for their struggle and commitment to fight against the communal and divisive forces in Jammu and Kashmir.
Rahul Gandhi in presence of AICC president Kharge, AICC general secretary KC Venugopal, Rajani Patil Rajya Sabha MP and Incharge J&K; Manoj Yadav, AICC joint secretary Incharge J&K, discussed the overall political and security situation in Jammu and Kashmir with JKPCC leaders and asked them to launch an offensive against the BJP for its “failure” on various fronts.
The meeting was attended by top Congress leaders including JKPCC chief Vikar Rasool Wani, JKPCC working president Raman Bhalla, former JKPCC presidents GA Mir, Peerzada Mohd Sayeed, former MP and AICC Member Tariq Hameed Karra and former DyCM, Tara Chand.
Gandhi appreciated JKPCC cadre after 21 leaders, including key figures from other parties, have joined the party in Delhi which is seen as a setback for the Democratic Progressive Azad Party and Aam Aadmi Party in the region.
Rahul exhorted JKPCC leaders and workers to get united to fight the BJP’s “wrong and anti-people policies,” urging them to strengthen the Congress Party at grassroots, as that, it is the Congress Party which has served and shall continue to serve the people. He asked them to activate the cadres at various levels in order to highlight issues of people and expose the failures and falsehood of BJP and the failures of the Central Government in J&K to come up to the expectations of the people on various vital commitments.
The Pradesh Congress leaders apprised the AICC chief, Mallikarjun Kharge and other top leaders about the political situation in J&K and ongoing organizational activities of the party. They also provided the feedback from the workers and people about the functioning of present Government and the role being played by the Congress to represent and highlight the issues of people of J&K.
JKPCC president, Vikar Rasool Wani told the Excelsior’that they discussed prevailing political and security situation in J&K with the Rahul Gandhi, AICC chief Kharge and general secretary Venugopal during meeting in Delhi today. Various measures for further strengthening the party in J&K were also discussed, he added.
Wani said that they held discussions over the wide range of issues concerning people of J&K. They also briefed Kharge about the socio-political developments prevailing in J&K, besides having a detailed discussion on different issues confronting people especially, rising unemployment, economic losses, lack of development and other issues of public importance.
“We also briefed the leadership about the fallout of disconnect between the present dispensation and people in the absence of a popular Government, leading to restlessness amongst the people, besides briefing them about various other burning issues. We informed them about the misgovernance of the BJP Government due to which the common masses are feeling cheated. The party leaders also referred to the rising prices, thus making life difficult for the common man. It was informed that everyday people from every district of Jammu and Kashmir are joining our party and Congress will become number one party in J&K in coming days,” Wani added.
Meanwhile, visiting JKPCC leaders congratulated Rahul Gandhi on being reinstated as Member of Parliament after the Supreme Court stayed his disqualification. They lauded his relentless fight to restore democracy, secularism and unity in the country. They appreciated his indefatigable fight for the cause of the nation and said that his unwavering and determined grit for the people, would continue to rekindle hopes among millions of people across the nation.
They expressed confidence that his (Rahul’s) participation in the Parliamentary process will once again go a long way in voicing the concerns of the people of the nation. In this regard, they extended their 24×7 support to fight harder to uphold democracy and secularism in the country.