Deficient land records

J&K Government is not interested in rectifying and upgrading land record to give a touch of modernity to the system of maintaining the crucial land record in the State. This accusation is substantiated by the fact that from 2008-09 till October 31, 2014, the Government of India sanctioned Rs 988.56 lakh for implementation of National Land Record Modernization Programme (NLRMP). in nine districts of the State. But State Government failed to make use of the funds which have been surrendered. Why does the State Government often fall prey to non implementation of Central schemes for which not only expert guidelines but also adequate funds are provided? This drawback is not applicable only to the land record programme but in many other schemes the attitude has been almost the same. Well, if there is not adequately trained staff for carrying forward the scheme in the case of land records, the State Government could have taken up the issue with the central authorities and found out a way to overcome the deficiency. Our land record system is based on the land measurement formula done two centuries ago and called Lawrence land assessment plan. Big changes have happened eve since owing to natural and human intervention. In view of growing population, more requirements for residential land, shrinking of agrarian land and high rate of transaction mechanism, sale-purchase and mutation of land etc. are vital areas that have to be recorded and updated to give correct picture of land ownership. Developmental plans are closely inked to the ground situation of land ownership or disposal. All this necessitates modernizing land record in a way that enormous numbers of disputes about landownership, mutation, transfer, encroachment etc. are resolved once for all. The Revenue Department has to understand that large number of land disputes pending with the courts in the State is a big burden and will take years and years to resolve. This work could be minimised to a large extent if the land record is modernized.