Degdarhar residents aghast over defunct drainage

View of waterlogged lane at Degdarhar area of Zoonimar in Srinagar. - Excelsior/Shakeel
View of waterlogged lane at Degdarhar area of Zoonimar in Srinagar. - Excelsior/Shakeel

Excelsior Correspondent

Srinagar, July 17: Residents of Imam-e-Hae Lane in the Degdarhar area of Zoonimar expressed their strong dissatisfaction with the Srinagar Municipal Corporation (SMC) today, accusing the authorities of failing to provide them with an effective drainage system. As a result, the road leading to their residential houses remains waterlogged, causing daily hardships for the residents.
Mehraj-Ud-Din, one of the residents, highlighted that the estimate for the necessary repair work was made back in 2019, and both the Mayor and the Deputy Mayor had assured them that the work would be undertaken. However, the residents were disheartened to learn that there were no funds available.
“But now, they are telling us that there are no funds, leaving us to face hardships daily,” Mehraj-Ud-Din lamented.
Residents emphasized that the situation has remained unchanged since 2011 when the matter was initially brought to the attention of the authorities.
Although an estimate was prepared in 2019, no significant improvements have been witnessed on the ground. Consequently, residents, including children and the elderly, have to navigate through waterlogged roads daily.
“If the money is not being utilized for public works, then where is it going? Even in rural areas, the drainage system is effective and regularly maintained. However, we live in the heart of the city and have to literally walk through drain water,” stated Abdul Majeed, another resident.
Furthermore, residents expressed their disappointment in the concerned corporator who had repeatedly assured them that the work would be carried out.