Delay in Regularisation

It has reference to the article “Inchargeism hits School Education Department badly” by Satish Pandit (DE, 25/01/2020).
I would like to draw the attention of the concerned, particularly the Advisor K K Sharma and the Commissioner Secretary School Education Hirdesh Kumar, with some specific instances to address the issue in right perspective. After a long struggle of the teaching community and with the intervention of the State Cabinet followed by the State Administrative Council, a mechanism was evolved by the Administrative Department to regularise all the gazetted cadres in the department. But the time consuming procedure adopted by the department has negated the sincere efforts at the helm off affairs. The two issues that are being made a reason for delay and selective approach are “the repeated verification and vigilance clearance”. It will not be out of place to mention that the certificates stand verified by the Designated Committees” at the time of placement. As regards vigilance Organisation that can be shared with the School Education Department instantly. To keep the whole process hostage is unjustified. To conclude, it is the duty of the department to follow a pragmatic approach in this regard. At the time of placement, everyone has submitted on oath that they are not involved in any crime and have genuine degrees and if found otherwise they will forfeit the promotion. The department shall issue regularisation orders instantly with the rider that anybody found ineligible for above cited reasons at any time shall have to face the consequences. The exemplary action shall be initiated against anyone found guilty later. Justice delayed amounts to justice denied.
M S Pathania