Delhi avoiding Assembly polls; wants proxy Govt in J&K: Azad

Senior Cong leader Ghulam Nabi Azad speaking in Rajya Sabha on Monday.
Senior Cong leader Ghulam Nabi Azad speaking in Rajya Sabha on Monday.

Highest deaths of soldiers, civilians in 5 yrs
Gopal Sharma
JAMMU, June 24: Former Union Minister and senior Congress leader Ghulam Nabi Azad today alleged that New Delhi was deliberately delaying Assembly elections in Jammu and Kashmir and intends to rule the State through President of India.
Speaking on the Motion of Thanks to the President’s address in Rajya Sabha today, Leader of the Opposition, Azad said, BJP led Government at the Centre was deliberately delaying the Assembly elections in the State as it wants to rule through proxy in the State. “They could not run the Government in J&K and ran away within three years and will not be able to manage again,” he said.
“For the last about one and half years, they have failed to hold Assembly elections in J&K. They are doing it deliberately, as they know very well that they will not be able to form Govt again in the State. The Union Govt must hold the Assembly elections in the State without any more delay and provide justice to the people of Jammu and Kashmir,” Azad maintained.
Referring to the claims of top BJP leaders and ‘some others’ with regard to peaceful conduct of Panchayat, Local Bodies and Lok Sabha elections in the State, Azad said, ” I admit that elections were held peacefully in the State but why Union Govt was delaying conduct of Assembly elections in the State. Why the by-elections were avoided in Kashmir?”
Reacting sharply to the mention of restoration of peace in the Jammu and Kashmir in President’s address to both the Houses of the Parliament, Azad trained guns at the Modi Govt and termed these remarks as unfortunate and far from reality. He claimed that highest number of killings of security forces personnel and innocent civilians was witnessed in the State during last five years of BJP rule.
“Highest number of ceasefire violations took place along the International Border and the Line of Control right from Kathua, Samba, Jammu, Rajouri- Poonch and up to Uri sectors. Many border people were forced to move away from their houses due to Pak firing/ shelling, many civilians lost lives and their cattle were also killed in border firing. The borders remained disturbed and this Government is talking about restoration of peace in the State,” Azad remarked.
“At the time of formation of Government, I had suggested Prime Minister Narendra Modi not to form Govt in the sensitive State like J&K but they did not bother and the result was before everybody. Due to lack of experience, the BJP ran away from the Government and caused great set back to the people who had given them huge mandate. They must do justice with the people of J&K by restoring popular Govt in the State,” Azad maintained.
While tearing into the BJP-led Government, Azad said under the ‘New India’, humans are afraid of humans, those glorifying killers of Mahatma Gandhi are in the ruling party. Moreover, hatred and lynching are at its peak.
Launching a scathing attack on the Modi Government and its policies, Azad said a party could win elections on divisive policies but the “Nation stood defeated”.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi was also present in the House during Azad’s address.
Referring to the President’s speech on Mahatma Gandhi’s 150th anniversary celebrations, Azad said unfortunately a candidate of the ruling party called the killer of the Father of the Nation a patriot and no action was taken and the candidate is a Parliamentarian now.
“My tongue will burn…I cannot repeat the remarks…I have a complaint to the Prime Minister, why didn’t you take action. Mahatma Gandhi may be Congress President but he was Father of the Nation…I would not have mentioned it here but President’s speech mentions his birth anniversary celebrations, BJP should take action, It still has time till October…,” Azad said.
While attacking BJP for defending 2008 Malegaon blast accused Sadhvi Pragya Thankur, Azad however, did not mention her by name and said: “How is this possible and how someone can defend this? Though it doesn’t make any difference to us, this is a blot on the face of the ruling party which cannot be wiped out.”
He also referred to how former Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru on complaints about a Congress candidate in 1952 had instead urged people to vote for an Independent candidate who had a clean image.
On New India, he said it was full of hatred where people were afraid of people and not afraid while being in Jungle.
“In old India, there was no hatred, anger or lynching. New India is one where humans are enemies of each other. You won’t be scared of animals in a jungle but you’ll be scared of humans here. Give us India where Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs and Christians live for each other,” Azad maintained.
“I request you to keep the ‘New India’ to yourself and give us our old India where there was a culture of love. Hindus used to feel the pain when Muslims and Dalits used to get hurt. When something used to get into the eyes of Hindus, Muslims and Dalits used to shed tears for them,” he said.
About Jharkhand, he said it has become a lynching factory where Muslims and Dalits were lynched and attacked routinely.
Reacting to a recent case of lynching in the State, he said, “Jharkhand has become a factory of lynching and violence. Dalits and Muslims are being killed there every week. PM Modi, we are with you in the fight of ‘Sabka Saath Sabka Vikas’ but it should be there for people to see it. We can’t see it anywhere,” Azad added.
He said rapes were at an all time high including heinous crimes like rapes on minor and that “Beti Padhao and Beti Bachao” was just plain talks.
Azad said crime against women have risen manifold and urged Government to ensure 50 per cent reservation to women in Parliament as it was having absolute majority.
He said Congress attempts were thwarted last time though the Women’s Reservation Bill was passed in Rajya Sabha.
Unemployment, he said was at its peak with Government trying to curb reports by various agencies and that the youth who voted for BJP needed justice.