Delhi gangrape case; court frames charges against 5 accused

Fast Track Court Judge Yogesh Khanna today ordered framing of charges against the five accused in Delhi bus gangrape case.
Earlier, all the accused pleaded not guilty and claimed trial.
The court will try all the accused under various sections of IPC including 302(murder), 376(2E) (gangrape), 120B(criminal conspiracy), 395(robbery) and 34 IPC(Common intention).
The accused namely Ram Singh, Mukesh Kumar, Vinay Kumar Sharma, Pawan Gupta and Abhishek Thakur are facing trial for raping a 23-year-old pharmacy student in a moving bus on the night of December 16 last year.
The sixth accused in the case is juvenile and shall be tried by a juvenile court.
In the meantime, the Union Cabinet has approved amendments in rape laws and rapists will face death penalty in exceptional cases of brutality. (UNI)