Demand for independent audit of selections by PSC, FIR into forgery case grows louder

*Socio-political organizations want separate recruiting agency for Jammu

Mohinder Verma
JAMMU, June 10: The demand for audit of selections made by the Jammu and Kashmir Public Service Commission through independent agency especially in the light of glaring instances of biased approach towards candidates from Jammu has become louder with several prominent organizations of the region even pitching for registration of FIR against all those involved in forging of the policy documents of the highest recruiting agency of the State.
These organizations have also questioned the stoic silence maintained by the BJP Ministers and MLAs over the grave issue and said that their stance was totally against the interests of Jammu and would cost the region dearly in future if the corrective steps are not initiated at the earliest.
EXCELSIOR through different news-items highlighted biased approach towards candidates from Jammu region in selections for posts in various Government departments by the Public Service Commission where a well-knit nexus is working since long. It was also revealed exclusively by EXCELSIOR that even Government’s own Forensic Science Laboratory (FSL) has established forgery of policy documents of the Commission by some of its officers in connivance with some Members.
As none of the BJP Ministers and MLAs found it appropriate to raise voice over the way of working of Public Service Commission, the people have started nursing an opinion that for the sake of power they have completely surrendered the interests of Jammu. The silence on their part is notwithstanding the fact that even party workers have started demanding separate Public Service Commission for Jammu region.
Senior Advocate B S Slathia, President of Jammu and Kashmir High Court Bar Association Jammu, while commenting on the prevailing situation in Public Service Commission said, “BJP is hand-in-glove with the Kashmir centric approach otherwise it should have not maintained criminal silence over the grave issue, which if ignored anymore would cost Jammu region dearly in near future”.
“In order to secure the future of our coming generation we must have a separate Public Service Commission for Jammu otherwise we shall never get justice at the hands of Kashmir-centric PSC”, the Bar President said, adding “the Bar is going to deliberate on this issue and decide future course of action as those who have been voted to power by the Jammu people are only interested in saving their chairs”. He said that selections made by the PSC should be subjected to independent audit so as to unravel the level of discrimination.
President of Jammu Chamber of Commerce and Industry Rakesh Gupta said, “we strongly condemn the selection process of the Public Service Commission as in majority of the lists issued in the recent past candidates from Jammu region were discriminated with”.
“High-level inquiry should be initiated into the selections as well as FSL report establishing forgery of policy documents by the PSC”, he demanded, adding “Chief Minister Mehbooba Mufti should immediately intervene to ensure that transparency and fairness is restored in the functioning of Public Service Commission for overall good of the State”.
Jammu Province People’s Forum (JPPF) Chairman Pavitar Singh said, “it is a matter of serious concern that discrimination with Jammu is going on at a time when those who claim to be the champions of the cause of Jammu region are in power”, adding “they (BJP Ministers and MLAs) are doing nothing and just acting as mute spectator to the biased selections by the PSC”.
Demanding registration of FIR against Chairman of PSC and all others involved in forgery of documents of the recruiting agency as established by FSL, he said, “even independent audit should be conducted of functioning of PSC and recent selections made by it to bring to fore the level of discrimination with Jammu”, adding “I think to bring an end to the continuous imbalance a separate Public Service Commission should be created for the Jammu region at the earliest”.
“Jammu Province People’s Forum is chalking out a strategy on the grave issue and the same will be made public shortly”, Pavitar Singh said.
A leader of Vishav Hindu Parishad Leela Karan Sharma, who had led agitation over Amarnath land row some years back, said, “the discrimination with Jammu in the selections is going on during the past many decades and time has come to put a full stop on the same”, adding “I think a separate Public Service Commission should be created for Jammu region so that our youth doesn’t lag behind only because of Kashmir-centric approach of those at the helm of affairs in PSC presently”.
“Jammu continues to suffer at the same pace”, he remarked when asked about the silence maintained by BJP Ministers and MLAs over the grave issue.
Not only these organizations there are several other socio-political organizations which want independent audit of the functioning of PSC to bring facts to the fore and punish those who are discriminating with Jammu in the selections. They are also demanding registration of FIR into FSL report establishing forgery of documents of PSC.