Demands of autonomy, self-rule unacceptable: Jugal

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, July 2: Rejecting outrightly the pro-autonomy agenda of the NC and self-rule doctrine of the PDP, BJP State president and MP, Jugal Kishore Sharma today stated that the need of the time is to discard such divisive demands and strengthen democratic and nationalist forces in the sensitive border State of Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh.
He tore into the NC and PDP leadership for their insistence on communal solutions to the so-called Kashmir issue and said that our State is as integral to India as any other State of the country.
The BJP MP said the slogans like autonomy and self-rule have all the potential of disturbing the socio-religious and political equilibrium in the State and, hence, these are utterly unacceptable. “The divisive propaganda unleashed by the NC and PDP will unleash forces which are against the unity and integrity of Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh as well as the country as a whole.
The BJP is the only Party in the State which can meet the aspirations and needs of the people of its all three regions and keep it intact,” he said, and added that visionary leadership of the BJP has policies and programmes which will go a long way to ameliorate the lot of the people of the State and help them surmount the problems they have been facing since decades owing to the misrule of the NC, Congress and PDP.
Sharma ridiculed the statement of Chief Minister, Omar Abdullah that Jammu and Kashmir is unique and that the NC would seek “political solution” to the so-called political issues of Jammu and Kashmir and said that it is not the Kashmir problem but problem in Kashmir created by vested interests and communal forces based in the Valley. He said the people of Kashmir, like the people of Jammu and Ladakh, are patriotic and have complete faith in the political and Constitutional organization of India and they would defeat the negative politics of the NC and Congress in the upcoming Assembly elections in the State.
“The BJP has adopted Mission 44+ as its goal in the coming Assembly elections. The party will, with the support of people of all the three regions, will surely achieve its mission and form the next Government in the State,” Sharma said, adding that a strong pro-BJP and pro-Narendra Modi wave is blowing across the State and this will certainly convert the people’s support base into votes and seats.