Department of Food Safety conducts inspection

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Dec 28: Department of Food Safety Jammu today conducted inspection-cum-awareness camp regarding food labeling and cleanliness among various shops at Shiv Market, Railway Station, Hari Market and Residency Road.
The inspection was conducted by Assistant Commissioner for Food Safety Jammu, Dr Parvesh Kumar along with his team members Ajay Khajuria, Daleep Singh, Jai Inder and Hans Raj.
The awareness camp was organized for the shopkeepers dealing with dry fruits, grocery and street food, during which the team member discussed about the lack of facility they find while inspecting shops which included area for cleaning, water supply and the clothes that shopkeepers were using while preparing food for the people.
Dr Parvesh discussed the basic steps for food handling that includes shopping, storage, preparation, thawing, cooking, serving, leftovers, and refreezing.
He discussed about the food labeling and apprised the gathering about labeling of both packed and pre-packed food which include a name or a description of food. The name or description should be clear enough so you can tell it apart from other foods. In accordance with the food laws, labels must tell the truth and manufacturers must not represent foods in a false, misleading or deceptive way, he added.
“The ingredient and compound ingredients must be listed in descending order of their ingoing weights at the time of food manufacturing. It should include direction of use and storage. It should also contain date of expiry that means how long the food is safe to use”, Dr Parvesh Kumar asserted.
Meanwhile, the Department of Food Safety Jammu team led by Dr Parvesh Kumar inspected the shops at Kunjwani Bye Pass and Narwal.
During inspection, 115 bottles of green chilly sauce, soya sauce and vinegar with sauce were found expired and were later destroyed.