Deplorable condition of roads in Jammu

Conditions of roads in Jammu city and other roads leading to different tehsils/blocks/villages has deteriorated to such a state that it has become difficult to ply vehicles. Such a state of roads of Jammu city  has never been seen before. By the condition of roads, it appears that you are travelling in some remote village. Road from Sarwal to Janipur and from Janipur to Paloura, Roads at Talab Tillo, Akhnoor Road, R S Pura Road and all other roads in the city as well as in the peripheries are in a pitiable condition. People pay road tax and other fees of vehicles but in return they get such state of bad roads to ply on. Such bad conditions of roads leads to more consumption of petrol and diesel and results in more wear and tear of vehicles, thus subject the consumers/general public to spend more on running of their vehicles. It is straight  consumers rights violation.
Government at the helm of affairs should take note of the bad condition of roads and direct the concerned to repair, the conditions of the roads, so that they become worthy of plying vehicles. Vehicles owners are made to suffer due to such conditions of road. During Darbar move to Jammu, there is influx of many more vehicles- Govt as well as private and traffic jams become a routine affair. Traffic constables are seen regulating the traffic during the movement of senior officers and ministers but no traffic cop is seen on duty in the late evening even after 6 pm. On  November 9,  there was huge jam in the city and there was none to control/regulate the traffic. People remained stuck in the jam  for a pretty long time. This is a very sorry state of affairs of traffic, as well as of road. I want to awake the concerned authorities from deep slumber to do needful to repair/renovate the roads and depute traffic cops for only regulating  traffic even in late hours up to 9 pm especially near Banquet Halls.
Yours etc….
Anu, Kiran,
Kahi, Payan.
Mera Mandrian