Deplorable condition of Thanna-DKG-Bufliaz Road

Passengers pusing a vehicle on slippery Thannamandi - DKG Road in Rajouri. -Excelsior/Imran
Passengers pusing a vehicle on slippery Thannamandi - DKG Road in Rajouri. -Excelsior/Imran

*Slow pace of work irks public

Excelsior Correspondent

RAJOURI, June 30: The residents of DKG and Bufliaz have been enduring severe hardships due to the appalling state of the road connecting these two areas.
The 10-kilometer stretch, which was initially slated for completion within two years, has been under construction for more than three years with minimal progress. This delay has resulted in the road becoming nearly impassable, causing frequent damage to vehicles and severe traffic jams.
This road is a vital link between district Rajouri and Poonch, heavily used by travelers heading to Srinagar via Mughal Road. Its current state poses significant hazards, with reports emerging of ambulances carrying critical patients, elderly people, and children being stuck for extended periods, exacerbating the suffering of the public.
Despite these pressing issues, the District Administration of Poonch has remained silent, showing no signs of addressing the worsening situation. The Border Roads Organisation (BRO), responsible for the upkeep of this road, has also failed to show the necessary concern, further aggravating the plight of the residents.
Local residents and commuters are appealing to the Lieutenant Governor of Jammu and Kashmir to intervene urgently. Immediate action is needed to direct the concerned authorities to make the road properly motorable, ensuring safe and comfortable travel for all.