Deplorable road condition sparks public outcry

Deplorable condition of Akhori to Patti Planghar road waiting to get attention of concerned department.
Deplorable condition of Akhori to Patti Planghar road waiting to get attention of concerned department.

Excelsior Correspondent

RAJOURI, June 2: The deplorable condition of Akhori to Patti Planghar road has caused distress among the local residents of Thannamandi area.
The said road has fallen into severe disrepair, causing significant frustration and concern among residents.
Despite numerous appeals and complaints, the Public Works Department (PWD) has failed to address the issue, leaving the community stranded and at risk.
The road passing through the village Planghar Akhori to Mehrajpura, has significantly deteriorated due to the use of substandard materials in its blacktopping, which has failed twice.
In some areas, the road has become impassable, particularly where deep gorges line one side, creating accident hotspots.
Locals informed that the repeated requests to the administration have been ignored, worsening the dangerous situation.
“Despite assurances from authorities, the promised blacktopping of a 500-meter segment remains incomplete, causing ongoing inconvenience,” they said.
“Many times we registered this issue at the Governor’s Grievance Cell but they failed to give us any response. This raise the question over the effectiveness of the grievance portal as the concerned department failed to respond adequately,” they added.
The lack of responsiveness from both the administration and the PWD highlights a troubling indifference to public safety and welfare.
The residents further urged upon the administration for an immediate action to prevent potential accidents and restore safe travel conditions.
“It is the duty of the Government to fix the responsibility on the officers, who are accountable for the road’s poor condition, as it is currently unsafe for vehicles to ply,” they asserted.