Deploy central security for protection of temples, shrines in Valley: ZDPC

President Zeashta Devi Prabandhak Committee B B Bhat at a press conference at Jammu on Sunday. -Excelsior/Rakesh
President Zeashta Devi Prabandhak Committee B B Bhat at a press conference at Jammu on Sunday. -Excelsior/Rakesh

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, July 17: Zeashta Devi Prabandhak Committee, (ZDPC) Srinagar has implored upon the State Government to provide complete security cover of Central security forces to all the religious places and temples in Kashmir.
The demand was made at a press conference here today by the president of the Committee Bharat Bushan Bhat, B K Wantoo and others.
Mr Bhat said to protect these religious places from the attacks of undesirable elements and anti national forces, the Hindu temples and shrines in Valley be given protection of Central security forces. The desecration and theft at Logripura and Devsar is an glaring and classic example of Government’s inaction to arrest and prosecute the culprits and Government should be proactive to deal with such incidents if it has to send positive signals among the Kashmiri Pandits, he added.
He said State Government has failed to pass the Temples & Shrines Protection Bill so far though, entire community has been demanding constitution of a Board by Government. Since the Government has failed in this regard, so we have decided to form a Board on our own which would comprise of the representatives of all temple committees.
He said accordingly an Adhoc Board in the name and style of “Hindu Temple & Shrines Protection Board” has been constituted under the convenorship of B.L. Bhan, a well known social activist. He will be coordinated by a Sub Committee comprising of Ravinder Kumar Jogi, I K Khushu and S B Koul. The Committee will broad base itself by requesting all the temple Prabandhak Committees to nominate their representatives to the Board, so that the formal elections to the Board is conducted within a period of six months after framing the required constitution. The board will interact with the Govt for its recognition so that it performs its legitimate duties.