Deptt of Libraries organizes exhibition of rare books

Exhibition of rare books by SRS Library at Jammu on Tuesday. —Excelsior/Rakesh
Exhibition of rare books by SRS Library at Jammu on Tuesday. —Excelsior/Rakesh

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Apr 23: On the eve of World Book Day, Department of Libraries & Research J&K, organized Book Exhibition Programme of rare and references book in SRS Library Jammu.
A number of rare and historical books were exhibited including Kalhan’s Rajtarangni, Mahabharata published in 1819, Kashmir- Dharamopur Weeding Photo albums, rare painting and manuscripts. The exhibition was visited by large number of people including some prominent scholars, educationist, writers and students.
The Programme was organised by Reenu Kumari, Deputy Director Libraries, Jammu and Sabhyita Rani, Chief Librarian SRS Library Jammu, under the supervision of Director General Libraries & Research J&K, S A Laharwal.
Speaking on the occasion, Deputy Director stressed on importance of inculcating reading habits among persons of all sections of society. The exhibitions are being held to develop reading interest among the youth/ general public,” she said and added that the well informed citizens build sustainable society, which is shaped through the utilization of public libraries.