Deputation submits memo to CEO

Excelsior Correspondent
RAJOURI, Sept 17: A deputation of district unit of J&K ReT Teachers’ Forum led by its president, Aftab Tantray, today met Chief Education Officer, Rajouri, Chowdhary Lal Hussain, in his office chamber and submitted a memorandum of demands.
The main demand listed in the memorandum were regularization of surplus EV converted ReT teachers, who are working in the department for last 15 years and are without salary for last 2 years.
The other demands were speed up the post and perfecto permission cases, clearing mid day meal charges, release of arrears of DA and salary, proper maintenance of service books, etc.
CEO Rajouri gave a patient hearing to the deputation and assured that all their genuine demands will be redressed without any delay.
Later, in a press briefing, the deputation members threatened the department to resort to sit-in-protest in front of the office of Director School Education, Jammu if their salary will not be released within a week and regularization orders not issued within two weeks.